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Introduction of new features in QuizGenerator(beta) 1.2.0: Course Function

 Course Limit Function You can set restrictions such as, "I won't let you ____ until you've solved all the problems!" You can set a limit such as "I won't let you do ____ until you solve all the problems! For example, the following courses can be set.   You can solve problem B because you have viewed the PDF of A.   You can view the PDF of B only after you have viewed the video of A.   You can get a certificate of completion for passing the A test. Examples of Course Applications Gakushu-juku A folder is group-shared at the beginning of each month as "Study materials for the month of ○○" by setting a time period. PDFs and Youtube videos are placed for each subject, and students can proceed to the exercise questions for each subject after viewing all of them. The passing score for the exercises is set at 1001 TP2T, and students are not allowed to take the final confirmation test until they pass all the exercises. University] Course materials are distributed at each lecture date and time with a set time period. At the end of the lecture, students are asked to complete a questionnaire about today's class content and practice questions to confirm the class content. The distribution period is set so that students cannot see the questions after the lecture is over. Company Distribute educational materials during the training period. The training materials are distributed during the training period, and the exercise questions and test are distributed using the certificate function for the in-house certification system. Only those who pass the test can obtain and view the certificate.

QuizGenerator(beta) latest version 1.2.0 is released!

learningBOX The latest version 1.2.0 is now available! The main features added this time are as follows ★━━━━・・・・・  Course limit function  New design of the question management screen  Question distribution period settings  Question solving screen design  New design of the question solving screen.  New Youtube video distribution functionality  Memorization card function  Edit text of invitation mail  Hide the results  Question Creation Support Tool (tentative version) is now available. ━━━━・・・・・ Course Restrictions ▼ "You can't let me do ____ until I've solved all the problems! You can set restrictions such as "You are not allowed to ____ until you have solved all the problems! You can set restrictions such as "You can't let me do ____ until I solve all the problems! For example, the following courses can be set.   You can solve problem B because you have viewed the PDF of A.   You can view the PDF of B only after you have viewed the video of A.   You can get a certificate of completion for passing the A test. ▼ Manage and create questions ▼ ▼ Use the Windows folder! Feels like using a Windows folder! We've revamped the UI/design to be more intuitive! The issue management screen has been updated to the latest version. The Explorer concept has been incorporated, making it easier to navigate through folders. Also, the order in which questions are displayed can now be replaced by drag-and-drop. ▼ Setting the distribution time of questions ▼ "I want to distribute questions only during the test period! You can set the distribution time of questions in advance, such as "I want to distribute questions only during the test period! You can set the distribution period of questions in advance. You can set the date and time to distribute PDF materials and tests according to the start time of the class. ▼ Solve Problems ▼ The [Solve Problem] screen allows students to see their own progress immediately! For each folder, you can see how many questions and files inside have been viewed/answered/passed. You can also see what you need to do to move on to the next question if there is a course limit. ▼ Issue certificates ▼ You can issue certificates, an essential part of the certification process! Certificates are automatically generated by setting the name of the certificate, the text to be printed on the certificate, the name of the issuing organization, and the name of the issuer. Please use this function together with the course function such as "Issue a certificate because you passed the A test. ▼ Distribute your videos ▼ You can distribute your Yotube videos as teaching materials! Distribute Yotube videos as teaching materials! Automatically save to grades whether users have viewed the video or not. You can now distribute Youtube videos as educational materials. Please post and distribute videos that have been published exclusively on Youtube for your company's internal use. ▼ Memorization cards ▼ Easily create and distribute memorization cards (memorization stickers)! You can create a memorization card in which words and phrases appear and you can see the explanation by tapping them. Memorization cards can now be created. ▼ Edit the text of invitation e-mails ▼ You can now edit the text of invitation e-mails! In addition to the text, you can also set not to send invitation e-mails. If you do not want to send an invitation e-mail when you add members in a batch in Excel, you can choose not to send an invitation e-mail. If you have already taken the trouble to send a separate email, please edit the text of the email and add the necessary information. ▼ Ability to hide grades completely ▼ "I don't want my students to see my results! If you don't want students to see your results! If you do not want students to see your results, you can hide the results screen. If you do not want your students to know which answers are correct and which are incorrect in an exam or test, you can use this function. You can also turn off the results screen that is displayed at the end of answering a question by using this setting. ▼ Enhanced customization options Not only the top page and logo placement, but also the login page and service introduction page can now be customized. For an initial fee of 150,000 yen, you can use a customized site from a template. We want to create an original top page! Please use this option if you are thinking of operating your own certification or certification test site. ▼ Question Creation Support Tool (tentative version) You can create questions on the web more easily! You can create questions with simple operations, even when you want to add ruby. If you find it a little difficult to create questions in text, don't worry. You can immediately check how the question you are currently creating will appear on the screen. You can also add ruby to difficult kanji for elementary school students. About Plans ▼ Free Plan Free Plan All functions are free of charge for up to 10 accounts. Please try it out. PRO Plan Please consider this plan if you are using more than 10 accounts. The monthly fee is 2,500 yen per 100 accounts. Customized Plan We can also create a top page and login screen exclusively for your company. Please feel free to contact us for more information. ▼ Future Development ▼ The next issue will be published in early May 2017. The next release of 1.3.0 is scheduled for early May 2017. New features in the next version will include  Assignment submission/practical skills support function  Video distribution plan  Low-cost version of the Smartphone app is now available.  New grade screen/graphic display  Learning log analysis  Learning log analysis, etc. Study log analysis, etc.
PowerPoint Video

Easy Video Creation with PowerPoint

Easy Video Creation with PowerPoint This is Nishimura, PowerPoint makes it easy to create videos. You can switch slides, set up animations, and even play back recorded narration beautifully. In this article, I will show you how to set up a video in our e-learning system (learningBOX). Click here for the Table of Contents 1. learningBOX makes it easy to register video materials. 2. how to set the playback speed of videos 3. how to convert PowerPoint to video 4. summary learningBOX makes it easy to register video materials. Videos are set up from the content management screen. Please click here. Work procedure 1 From the learningBOX My Page screen, select Content Management and click the ⊕ button. Work Step 2 Click the ⊕ button to select a video. Fill in the title name of the video, select the file, and go to 【Save】. *Check the "Disable skip playback" checkbox to disable skip playback. This can be edited even after the video is saved. Please set it to your preference. Work Step 3 The video was saved and easily set up for video. ▼ Here is a capture video of the above sequence of events. How to set the playback speed of videos With learningBOX, you can easily set up your video and adjust the playback speed. 0.5x, 1.5x, and 2x speeds are available. How to convert PowerPoint to video Documents created with PowerPoint can be easily converted to video. The converted videos can be set as contents in learningBOX, as well as in question texts and explanations in QuizGenerator. The detailed instructions on how to set up the video can be found here. Conclusion In this article, we have introduced how to set up videos in our e-learning system (learningBOX). The converted videos can be set as contents in the learningBOX, as well as in question texts and explanations in QuizGenerator.
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How to use moodle (installation)

What is moodle? Moodle is an open source e-learning platform. It has a relatively large number of users among similar systems. Moodle is a software package that helps educators create high-quality online learning processes (courses). Such an e-learning system can be called a Learning Management System (LMS), Course Management System (CMS), Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), or simply an online learning environment: VLE), or simply an online education system. Excerpt from wiki Preparing a server to install moodle If you want to use moodle in your school or company, you will need to prepare a dedicated server. In recent years, there are many rental servers available, and many people are likely to use them. In this article, we will use EC2 within AWS (AmazonWebService). After registering with AWS, you will come to the EC2 screen. An instance is a server. So, click on "Create Instance" to create a new instance. Select the software for the instance. In this case, we will use AMI. Select the instance type. Performance and price will vary depending on the type. The lowest spec t2.nano is sufficient for operation. Detailed settings are available, but the default settings are fine for this time. Storage is to be added, but this time the default settings will be fine. Add tags to make it easier to identify instances. You do not need to add anything in particular. Set the security group settings. Since access is also possible via HTTP, add HTTP to the rules. The security group can be changed at any time, so please set your own security group when you actually use the system. Finally, check the security group. If all is well, click "Create". The instance has been launched. Next, prepare the contents of the instance. Connecting via SSH Launch a terminal and access via SSH. You can access with "ssh username@IP address -i configured key pair". The black part is private information and is hidden. If the access is successful, it will be displayed as shown in the image. Next, we will set up the minimum environment to use moodle. First, change to root with "sudo -i". If $ displayed before the command is changed to #, you are root. Install apache Install apache. Enter "yum install -y httpd24". After installation is complete, enter "chkconfig httpd on" to set up automatic startup of apache. Enter "vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n" to set the language setting to Japanese, rewrite "LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8" and save. Enter "cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime" to set the time to use the Tokyo standard. You will be asked if you want to rewrite it, answer "yes". After completing the configuration, enter "service httpd start" to start apache. Enter "service httpd status" to check if it has started. If you see "httpd (pid ****) is running...", it is running. is running..." is displayed, it is running. It is OK if the apache page is displayed when accessing with http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (GlobalIP: IP for SSH connection). Install PHP Install apache. Enter "yum install -y php56". Next, change the time of PHP to Japan. Enter "vim /etc/php.ini". php.ini is a long file, so type "/date.timezone" to search for it. Change ";date.timezone =" to "date.timezone = 'Asia/Tokyo'" and save it. Install Mysql Install Mysql. Enter "yum install -y mysql-server". After installation is complete, enter "chkconfig mysqld on" to set up automatic startup of mysql. Start Mysql with "service mysqld start". Enter "service mysqld status" to check if it has started. If you see "mysqld (pid ****) is running...", it is running. is running..." is displayed, Mysql is running. Next, set the password for mysqld. Enter "mysql -uroot" and log in as root. Enter "set password for root@localhost=password('pass');" in the query. Then log out with "exit". Next, configure security. Enter "/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation". The configuration is done interactively. Enter the following. Enter current password for root (enter for none): (the password for the MySQL:root user you just used) Change the root password? Remove anonymous users? Disallow root login remotely? Remove test database and access to it? Reload privilege tables now? Now that the settings have been changed, restart Mysql by entering "service mysqld restart". Install phpMyAdmin Since phpMyAdmin is useful for operating Mysql, install it as well. Enter "yum --enablerepo=epel install -y phpMyAdmin". Enter "vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf", and then type Make changes as shown in the following figure and save the changes. When you have finished making changes, restart apache by entering "service httpd restart" to reflect the changes. Install moodle To install moodle, download the latest version of moodle from the download page of moodle's official site. Copy the downloaded moodle files to the server. There are many ways to do this, but for this article, we will use "Cyberduck". Download "Cyberduck" and launch it. Click on "New Connection" and enter the information as shown in the image. After connecting, you should see "/home/ec2-user" and copy the downloaded moodle file to the server by drag & drop. Operate the terminal again. The uploaded file has been moved to "/var/www/html". Following that, this time create a folder "moodledata" in "/var/www". Change the permissions as moodle cannot write to this folder. If the permission of moodledata is "drwxrwxrwx", it is OK. Finally, unzip the moodle files. Go to "/var/www/html" and extract the files with "tar xvzf filename". http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/moodle and set the Japanese language from the pull-down in the center, as shown in the image below. Installation is now complete. Initial configuration of moodle Now that you have reached this point, you are ready to go one step further. Click Next. Since moodledata is already prepared, click Next. Click Next. Enter the user as root and the password set in Mysql, and click Next. I was told that config.php could not be created, so I opened a terminal three times and connected via SSH. I entered as root and typed "vim /var/www/html/moodle/config.php" I copied all the php code shown on the moodle initialization page and saved it. Then click next. It says that it is copyright free and you can use it as you like. Click Continue. You will be asked to check your operating environment. The minimum environment is ready, so click Continue. The check will take a little time. When all checks are complete, the screen scrolls to the bottom. Click Continue. Follow the prompts to register users who can handle all functions. Set up the site name and other settings. You can change the settings, so feel free to enter your own. When the above screen appears, the initial setup is complete. Thank you for your hard work. However, this is just the start of the process. You must have thought that after all this work, you need to do all this just for preparation. I'd like to use e-learning more comfortably and for free. If you want to use e-learning more comfortably, we recommend our learningBOX. Up to 10 accounts are free. No need to set up any servers. Just register as a user and you can start using our e-learning service right away. Click here to register for free.