Comparison between QuizGenerator and QuizGenerator (beta)
This is a comparison of QuizGenerator and QuizGenerator (beta).
QuizGenerator is a "quiz creation only" service and does not manage accounts or grades.
QuizGenerator (beta) is a service that provides all the functions of a Learning Management System (LMS), including question registration, account management, and grade management, and is available for free for up to 10 accounts. If you need more accounts, you can use the same question source files (text and spreadsheets) as QuizGenerator without any modification. The same question source files (text and spreadsheets) as QuizGenerator can be used without modification.
Nine types of questions can be created: multiple choice, multiple choice (quick mode), multiple choice, short answer, multiple short answer, correct/incorrect (◯××), fill-in-the-blank, sorting, and combination.
◎Randomized questions: You can create 10 registered questions in random order, or 10 random questions out of 100 questions.
◎Master Mode: When you create a quiz, the Complete Strategy button and the Thorough Review button will appear on the quiz start screen. When you click the Complete Strategy button, only questions that you have never answered correctly will be shown. If you click the Thorough Review button, questions that you are not good at (questions you made mistakes on) will be given priority.
◎Only one-time test... Simply put, it is a "test". You can take the quiz only once, and you can set the quiz not to open after the second time.
◎Course creation・・・You can set restrictions such as "You cannot move on to the next question until you have solved all the questions.