4 articles
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The easiest way to pre-compress your video materials

LearningBOX allows you to upload 500MB of video per video if you subscribe to a high-capacity video plan. As stated in the section on video capacity, even a 1 or 2 hour video can be kept within the 500MB limit with proper compression. However, it is troublesome to purchase video editing software and set up compression settings just to reduce video capacity. Therefore, we had published a video compression procedure using FFMPEG. Once set up, it is convenient and easy to compress many videos, but FFMPEG has some quirks in its installation, and we think there were some cases where users were stumped by the settings. This time, we have developed an easier way to compress videos, and we would like to introduce it to you. (Works on Windows 7 or later) Encoder_20200630.zip Procedure Download and unzip the Encoder_20200630.zip file above. Double-click Encoder.exe to launch it. Select the image quality if necessary. The "640 width standard plan" is the setting that produces the smallest video size. This is the recommended setting if you have not subscribed to any video options. Width 1280 Large Video Plan" is the setting suitable for large video plans. If the video size exceeds 500 MB with this setting, you can reduce the size by using the 640 setting. No Size Change" is a setting where the video is re-encoded without changing the video size. Although the video size is not changed, the capacity can be reduced in many cases. Drag and drop video files into the above window to start encoding. If multiple videos are dragged and dropped together, the dragged and dropped videos will be encoded one after another. The encoded files will be saved in the same folder as the original videos with a file name such as ".640.mp4" appended to the end. FAQ Can Tatsuno Information System develop encoders? No, we cannot; we only provide an open source video encoder called FFMPEG for your convenience. Why does this method reduce the capacity? The capacity is reduced by adjusting the quality to a level suitable for e-learning. Specifically, we make the following adjustments Reduce the quality of the video In addition to adjusting the video size, we also adjust the compression ratio. Although it may not look as good as terrestrial digital or Blu-ray, the settings are sufficient for educational videos. Reducing the frame rate of the video Video at 60 frames per second is smooth. But do you need 60 frames per second for video of a board or instructor? By keeping the video at 30 frames per second, we reduce the amount of space required. Making the audio monaural By making the audio monaural, the amount of audio data is reduced by half. Use an appropriate codec Compression with h264 reduces the capacity of the video. Fine-tune the image quality This article is intended to be "simple" and does not provide detailed settings for image quality. Please use ffmpeg on the command line or use "Drag and Drop Video Encoding" to rewrite parameters for encoding. If your goal is to put the video on learningBOX, our LMS, we will support you in setting up the video. Update History 2018.4.1 First version released 2018.4.2 Fixed bug version released -- improved handling of video filenames with spaces in them
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Video Creation: Easy Creation with iMovie on iPhone

I want to make a manual video. We would like to add still images to the video and arrange it. I want to add explanatory text to make the video easier to understand. But video editing seems difficult. In such cases, you can easily create a video using iMovie on your iPhone. This time, we will create an instructional video using video and still images. We will use the video below as material for the explanation. Preparation Video for editing Screenshots of the parts of the video that you want the audience to view in more detail How to take a screenshot: 1. While holding down the iPhone sleep/wake button (power button), press the home button. When you hear a "click" sound and the screen blinks white, the picture has been taken successfully. Save the photo. Editing Use iMovie as a free video editing software. 1) Launch iMovie and tap "Create Project". (2) Next, select "Movie". (iii) Check the movie you wish to edit and tap "Create Movie" to insert the movie. (3) Tap the video "by aligning the white vertical line with the area where you want to insert a still image". Then the operation toolbar will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap the "Split" button. Next, the image will be split and the image will be inserted in the split area. Tap the "+" button on the left side of the screen, and select the image you wish to insert from among the photos. At this point, the preparations are complete. Now it is time to add text to the inserted image. Tap the inserted image and tap "T". A list of text styles will be displayed. In this case, "Standard" will be used. Tap "Standard" and then tap "Enter Title" on the image to enter the text. In the case of "Standard," three large and three small titles are displayed, and you can delete any title you do not need. You can also choose to place the text in the "center" or "bottom" of the screen, so choose your preferred placement. After that, press the "Done" button in the upper left corner of the screen to complete the editing. The following is a video that has actually been edited and edited. There are various other functions that can be combined to create original edits.
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FFmpeg - Drag and drop encoding

I have installed FFmpeg, but there are so many option settings that I don't know how to set them. I know the settings, but it is tedious to encode one file at a time with commands. In such cases, it is convenient to create a batch file like the one below to encode video files by simply dragging and dropping them. *You must use a "Windows PC" to use this batch. You also need to have ffmpeg on your execution path according to the video compression (FFmpeg Setup and Encoding Instructions). You can encode videos by simply dragging them into the .bat file as shown below. You can drag multiple files together. The encoded file name will be automatically set according to the original file name. Batch files for encoding The second and third batch files are excellent for resizing, but depending on the aspect ratio of the original video, the height may be odd and cannot be encoded. Reduce the size without changing the size (↓click to download) https://quizgenerator.net/wp-content/uploads/bat/ffmpeg-noresize.bat Reduce the capacity to the standard quality of learningBOX - width 640 (same as above) https://quizgenerator.net/wp-content/uploads/bat/ffmpeg-640.bat Reduce capacity to learningBOX's high quality video plan - width 1280 (same as above) https://quizgenerator.net/wp-content/uploads/bat/ffmpeg-1280.bat Batch file description The following code is from ffmpeg-1280.bat. -vf scale=1280:-2 * Specifies the size of the image. The width is 1280 and the height is automatic. If -2 is specified, it is adjusted to be a multiple of 2. -crf 22 * Image quality setting. The larger the value, the poorer the image quality (and the smaller the capacity). -r 30 * Specifies the frame rate. The larger the value, the smoother the video (more space is required). -ac 1 * Specifies monaural audio. If you want monaural audio, specify this value to reduce the size. ECHO OFF REPEAT ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=1280:-2 -crf 22 -r 30 -y -ac 1 "%~n1.w1280.mp4" if "%~2"=="" GOTO EXIT GOTO EXIT GOTO REPEAT EXIT GOTO REPEAT :EXIT Revision History 2018.1.19 First version released 2018.4.2 Changed height specification from -1 to -2 / changed to -2 because it sometimes caused an error depending on the video size