How to use Excel to publish fill-in-the-blank questions on the web


Quiz Creation Tools This is Kitaoka 🍎, our marketing manager. In this article, we will talk about our quiz creation toolQuizGeneratorandExcel (excel) fileusing theHow to create fill-in-the-blank questions that can be easily published on the webWe are pleased to introduce the With this quiz creation tool, you can easily create a quiz on the Internet.WEB QuizIt is possible to introduce and publish Please refer to this article and try how to make and operate the web quiz.


  • 1. use QuizGenerator and Excel to make a web quiz!
  • 2. let's make a fill-in-the-blank question using Excel.
  • 3. use a conversion tool to turn your quiz into a web quiz
  • 4. summary

Using QuizGenerator and Excel, you can make a web quiz!

Fill-in-the-blank quiz using Excel

学習教材や面白いクイズを持っていても使い道に困っているお客様!!、弊社のクイズジェネレータ-を使ってインターネット上にクイズを公開してみませんか? お客様がお持ちの紙面ベースのクイズや学習教材をWEB化して、インターネットに繋がっている世界各国の人や学習に困っている人に届けてみませんか?QuizGeneratorで作成したクイズはPC、スマートフォン、タブレットなど、どの端末からでもクイズを楽しむことができます。
Do you have any of these problems?

I want to set up a quiz on the web: 、、、、、 → I don't know how to do it in the first place. Is it going to be difficult to post quizzes online? I want to use the quiz to promote my company or school. 、、、、、 → I gave up on advertising because it costs a lot of money and it's a hurdle for personal use. We want to focus on new employee training and employee education. 、、、、、 → We rely only on existing training materials, and internal training has become chronic without progress.

If you are in charge of these problems, our e-learning system can solve the above problems! パソコン操作に不慣れな方でも問題ありません。作り方は至ってシンプル!! 複雑な操作はありません。指定のフォーマットに沿って決められた箇所に問題文や解答を打ち込むだけで思い通りのクイズが簡単に作れます。しかも!QuizGenerator is available for free of charge.  

Click here to see the features of ▼QuizGenerator

E-learning - QuizQuizGenerator allows you to create quizzes from more than 12 types of question formats and publish them on the web! Web quiz can be easily created in 3 steps. The quizzes you create can be centrally managed by our e-learning system (learningBOX).

......QuizGenerator is well suited for delivering quizzes to an unspecified number of users, butIf you're using it for in-house training, certification exams, or school learningBOXis more recommended.learningBOXを使えば、作成したクイズの再編集もブラウザ上で簡単にできます。学習者にはコース学習を提供することが出来るほか、一人一人の成績管理やテストの再受講、合格通知など、細かい設定ができますよ!!作ったクイズの置き場所に困った際はどうぞ、learningBOXをご活用ください。 ▼Analyzing & monitoring andlearner managementif I do (something)E-learning system learningBOXCome in!  

Let's create a fill-in-the-blank question using Excel.

Excel Web Quiz

▼QuizGenerator is an application of the text fileFor more comprehensive management,ExcelFor more comprehensive management,Quiz/exam creation form 』の3つからクイズを作ることができます。今回は大体どのパソコンにも入ってる、エクセルを使って穴埋め問題を作りたいと思います。 ▼これから紹介する下記のフォーマットに沿って、問題文、出題の形式、解答を入力します。下記のサンプル例(穴埋め問題)をご覧ください。 サンプルはこちらからダウンロードできます →  wordbank-1.xlsx
A b C d e f
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:fill-in-the-blank questions
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #mode:master
5 #lang:en
6 1) Read the examples and rearrange them in the correct order.<br>I love music."<br>{1}{2}{3} wordbank: I like music
7 2) Read the examples and rearrange them in the correct order.<br>'The ball is under the table.'<br>There {1} a boll{2}the{3} wordbank: is under table are
8 3) Please rearrange the sentences so that they are correct regarding Article 25 of the Japanese Constitution.<br>"Every {1} has the right to live a {2} and {3} life of {4}." wordbank: people health cultural the lowest degree (possible, allowable, etc.)
9 4) Kinkakuji Temple was built in the {1} era by {2} the third shogun. wordbank: Muromachi (era 1392-1573, or 1333-1573, or 1336-1573) Ashikaga Yoshimitsu Kamakura Ashikaga Yoshimasa (Japanese military governor)
10 5) Rearrange the carbon so that it burns and becomes carbon dioxide.<br>{1}+{2}→{3} wordbank: 2H<sub>2 </sub> 0<sub>2 </sub> 2H<sub>2 </sub>O indecent
Click here for points

先頭の#で始まる行が、問題全体に関する設定です。1行目の#format:tableは、問題データを表形式で記述することを宣言しています。5行目以降は、各行が設問に対応しています。各行には、問題文、”wordbank:”、{}の前から順に正答、ダミーの選択肢がタブ区切りで並びます。 以下の例では、1問目の問題文は「例文を読み正しい順番に並び変えなさい『私は音楽が好きだ』 → {1}{2}{3} 正解の選択肢は{1}が「I」{2}が「like」{3}が「music」となります。※brmeans a new line.subdisplays the text as a subscript.


Turn your quiz into a web quiz using a conversion tool

Select the question data you have created and click the "Convert" button to generate a quiz player.

▼ Limited release → Only people who know the URL can view the quiz. If you copy and paste the embedding tag (IFrame), you can put the quiz you made on your blog or website.

A fill-in-the-blank quiz created in Excel

  This question is to fill in the blank in the sentence with words.



In this article, we introduced how to create fill-in-the-blank questions that can be easily published on the web using our quiz generator and Excel file. With QuizGenerator, you can create and publish a wide variety of quizzes on the web. If you have learning materials or interesting quizzes, but are having trouble finding a way to use them! Why don't you publish your quizzes on the Internet using our QuizGenerator? QuizGenerator is a web service that you can use for free. QuizGenerator is a web service that you can use for free, so why don't you take this opportunity to make a quiz? Thank you for your cooperation in this article.