Use the Optional Functions [Useful QuizGenerator Usage Series].


Use the Optional Functions [Useful QuizGenerator Usage Series].

Second in a series of useful ways to use QuizGenerator"Use the optional features.では、eラーニングの学習をより効率的かつ学習できる勉強方法をお伝えします!! 演習問題を作ってついつい満足してオプション機能の設定を忘れて公開してしまい、後悔をすることが多いマーケティング担当貴田岡(きたおか)🍎です。 オプション機能の設定?!なんか難しい設定や知識が必要だと思っている方! Setting Options for QuizGeneratoris easy for anyone toOriji (ancient Chinese halberd)nari4th note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.)victory高い編集が可能です。 今回はみなさんに、ぜひとも知って使って欲しい!!勉強や研修などに役に立つ、オプション機能をお話ししたいと思います! People who didn't know the option existed.middle dot (typographical symbol used between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.)If you are interested in this game but don't understand the setting.I'm sure you'll learn how to do it from this article!


  • 1. What are the optional features?
  • 2. Recommended options
  • 3. Various options
  • 4. Summary

What is an optional feature, anyway?

QuizGeneratorを活用する際、ぜひ知ってて活用して欲しい機能があります。 それは"Optional Featuresと言われる便利な設定方法です。こちらの機能を併用することで利用シーンにあった学習補助が行えます。 例えば"Randomized question order, randomized choices, embedded explanations, time limits, etc.You can use the options in theOriji (ancient Chinese halberd)nari4th note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.)victoryIn addition, you can adjust the width and difficulty of the problems and the ease of solving the problems to create an effective learning environment. How to install optional features using text

Put the following at the beginning of the question text (quiz.txt) in the format "# attribute name:value". #title:_______(← the name of the quiz page title) #messages_intro:______(← the message displayed on the first page) #time_limit:____(←number of seconds) #question_count:______(← upper limit of the number of questions)

 If you want to set optional functions in Excel, please check here.  Click here for the list of optional features in QuizGenerator

Options I would recommend

①#messages_intro:  "Message displayed on first page.You can set the ②#shuffle_questions:true/false  "Randomize the order of the questions.If you specify false, the questions will be asked in order from the first question. ③#shuffle_choices:true/false  Randomize the order of the choices. ④#movable:true/false  Go to the previous or next question.     ⑤#time_limit:  "Answer time limit.The unit is seconds. If set to 0, there is no time limit.

Example) 5 questions on miscellaneous topics as an example.Optional Features/'a'Let's compare it with

Let's practice 5 questions on miscellaneous Q.1)Choose the island located in the southernmost part of Japan. A.Okinawan tortoise Q.2)Tanakarabotamochi means 'unexpected good fortune'. A.Correct 0 Q.3)Choose a prefecture included in the Kanto region. Choices→Tokyo,Kanagawa,Saitama,Aomori,Hyogo A.Tokyo,Kanagawa,Saitama Q.4)Where are Nagoya City (A) and Otsu City (B) the prefectural capitals of? Answer the name of the prefecture. A.(A)Aichi Prefecture (B)Shiga Prefecture Q.5)For the units of the numbers, sort them from top to bottom, starting with the smallest.A.Pico(p)<ナノ(n)<マイクロ(μ)<ミリ(m)<センチ(c)

Options to use this time ・『最初のページに表示されるメッセージ』#messages_intro: ・『出題順のランダム化』#shuffle_questions:true ・『選択肢の並び順をランダム化』#shuffle_choices:true ・『前後の設問へ移動』#movable:true ・『解答時間制限10分』#time_limit:600 →※秒単位での計算になるので10分で指定する場合は60秒×10=設定値は600となります

Without optional features ➡Try Sample Quiz With optional functions ➡Try Sample Quiz When linking to explanations and commentaries

Various options

Let's add various optional settings to the "5 miscellaneous questions" created above.

・音声合成 ・画像挿入 ・動画を挿入 ・文字を大きくする Oriji (ancient Chinese halberd)nari4th note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.)victoryProblems with highTry Sample Quiz

➡There are many optional features that we haven't fully introduced yet.Click here to see the list of optional features available in QuizGenerator.


The second in a series of useful ways to use QuizGenerator."Use the optional features.ではeラーニングの学習をより効率的かつ楽しく学習できるオプションの設定方法をお話ししました! 勉強環境に応じて弊社のオプション機能を存分に活用、使いこなし、Oriji (ancient Chinese halberd)nari4th note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.)victoryTry to create a certain learning environment! The randomization of questions and choices, which we recommended this time, is a very useful feature when checking the words, meanings and contents you want to remember.In addition, by setting URL links in the explanatory text and explanations in the exercisesDon't let "I don't know" stop you!すぐ復習・再確認することで知識の定着をより効果的に落とし込めます。 QuizGeneratorを使ったeラーニング学習は誰でも簡単に問題から解説まで思い通りに設定が可能です。オプション機能の設置方法が分からなくなってしまった、設定したつもりが上手く動作しない、などの不都合がありましたお気軽にお問い合わせください! QuizGeneratorの便利な使い方シリーズ第3弾ではThis is the perfect way to memorize! How to memorize to stand out from the crowd.をお伝えします! 第3弾もどうぞお楽しみにして下さい。本稿もご覧いただきまして、ありがとうございました。