
QuizGenerator has a variety of useful options.
Create contents for your needs.

Following options are available in QuizGenerator.
Customize options and create your original quizzes/exams.

Quiz/vidual settings

Insert images and audio to a quiz

Insert images and audio to a quiz

Insert images and audio into your quizzes. Check how to create a quiz with images using a text file.



Insert formula in a Quiz sentence and commentary. It helps you to create teaching materials for arithmetic/mathematics as well.

Chemical structural formula

Chemical structural formula

Insert a chemical structural formula into a Quiz sentence. It will be converted to an image.

Video quiz

Video quiz

Create a quiz with a text file to attach a video or embed YouTube.



The text will be read out in a synthetic voice. Recommended especially for listening comprehension.

Text size

Text size

Depending on the quiz and users, change the font size as you prefer . Take advantage of visual effect!

New line in Quiz sentence

New line in Quiz sentence

Insert new lines to make a long sentence look neater.



You can change the display language of the interface to Japanese or Vietnamese.

Functional settings

Quiz by sections

Quiz by sections

Divide quizzes into several sections (groups) and set specified No. of quizzes from each section.



Instead of 100 points divided by the number of quizzes, set specified points for each quiz as the picture above.

No. of quizzes

No. of quizzes

Specify the number of quizzes in a set of them which you created. They will be suffled randomly.



Move to the previous/next quiz, and answer them in any order. The default setting does not allow you to move.

Sound effects

Sound effects

Set sound effect according to correct/ incorrect answers after answering.

Time limit

Time limit

Set time limit on your answers. Using it for online exams/tests is highly recommended.



Pause to answer in the middle of quizzes. You can restart from the last one which you paused on.

Hide "Result" button

Hide "Result" button

Hide correct/wrong answers in the middle of a question, and show the score button only on the final quiz.

Use your quizzes for corporate training and school education

Manage scores and members

The learningBOX allows you to automatically save scores.
Simple progress records and scores motivate members.

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