Insert images and audio to a quiz

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  • Insert images and audio to a quiz
QuizGenerator makes it easy to set "images" and "sounds" for quiz questions.

Here is a sample quiz with images inserted



  • text
  • Excel
  1. Create a quiz. For images, enclose the file name in parenthesis, like [[image.png]].
  2. Create a zip file with the text data and the file of images.
  3. Conversion Toolto convert the zip file to a player.
For more information on how to add images, refer to the following link.

 Create a question with an image in text

question_count:10 [[images/abkhazia.png]]What is this country? sa:. Abkhazia Zimbabwe Yemen [[images/afghanistan.png]] this country? sa:[images/afghanistan.png]] Afghanistan Abkhazia Zambia [[images/albania.png]]What is this country? sa:. Albania Afghanistan Zimbabwe [[images/algeria.png]]What is this country? sa:. Algeria Albania Abkhazia [[images/andorra.png]]What is this country? sa:. Andorra Algeria Afghanistan [[images/angola.png]]What is this country? sa:. Angola Andorra Albania [[images/antigua_and_barbuda.png]] this country? sa:. Antigua and Barbuda Angola Algeria [[images/argentina.png]]What is this country? sa:. Argentina Antigua and Barbuda Andorra
  1. Create a quiz. For images, enclose the file name in parenthesis, like [[image.png]].
  2. Create a zip file with the text data and the file of images.
  3. Conversion Toolto convert the zip file to a player.
For more information on how to add images, refer to the following link.

 Create a question with an image in text

Usage example:Flag quiz
In this example, an image is shown instead of the question text.
A b C d e
1 #format:table
2 #title:Specify Language
3 [[images/laos.png]] Choose the correct answer. true-false: Laos Singapore Egypt
4 [[images/malaysia.png]] Choose the correct answer. true-false: Malaysia Laos Mongolia
5 [[images/philippine.png]] Choose the correct answer. true-false: Philippine Malaysia Singapore
6 [[images/egypt.png]] Choose the correct answer. true-false: Egypt Philippine Laos
7 [[images/andorra.png]]Choose the correct answer. true-false: Andorra Egypt Malaysia
8 [[images/angola.png]]Choose the correct answer. true-false: Angola Andorra Philippine
9 [[images/antigua_and_barbuda.png]]Choose the correct answer. true-false: Antigua and Barbuda Angola Egypt
10 [[images/argentina.png]]Choose the correct answer. true-false: Argentina Antigua and Barbuda Andorra
11 [[images/armenia.png]]What about this country? true-false: Armenia Argentina Angola

Create an audio quiz

As well as the image quiz, you can display the audio player by describing it in the form of [[sound.mp3]] in the quiz sentence or choices. You can also limit the audio player to play only once by using the format [[[sound.mp3]]]. The audio files should be combined with the question files into a single zip file and converted into a quiz player. Tips: If the extension is mp3, it will be displayed as audio data; otherwise, it will be displayed as an image. For short codes related to audio, please refer to this list. ⇒Audio short codes are listed in this table.Short Code List  


The text you enter can now be mechanically synthesized and read aloud. Create a question. Next, write the part of the sentence you want to read out loud as . Be sure to enter the text in half-width characters (including symbols). If you want to set the number of times the voice is played back to one time only, change the number of parentheses from two to three. For example: <<<>> to set the number of times the text will be read out only once.

How to change the speaker

You can also change the speaker. (Default is Joanna). For example, to change the speaker to Nicole, write <>. To change the speaker to Russell, write <>. ⇒For a list of speakers, see list of optionsPlease see from Please note that you can only use this feature for up to four questions in a single question set (e.g., in a .txt file for conversion). If you want to use more than 4, please sign a license agreement. ➡ QuizGenerator LicensePurchase a

sampl equiz

  • text
  • Excel
Step 1: Add two options to the quiz.
※If you have not purchased a license, you do not need step 1. Start from step 2. Text-to-Speech Quiz - Text to Speech Function
Step 2: Create a quiz. Select the part of the text that you want to be read out.<>and enclose it in parentheses.
Listen to the English text and choose the correct one.<<We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday&gt;&gt;<br>[[images/g.png]] sa:. 1|We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday 2 3 4 5
Step 3:<>the text will be read out loud by the specified speaker. (Joanna by default)
Listen to the question and answer <> fill-in: 9|1+2+3+4+5 9|1+2+3+4+4+5-6=9 Listen to the problem statement and answer<>>. sort: (a) Meiji era (1868-1912) Taisho Showa Heisei 2025 Listen to the question and answer it→<> sa: (in Japanese) Three|apples, bananas, strawberries Four. 2 five
Step 1: Add two options to the quiz.
※If you have not purchased a license, you do not need step 1. Start from step 2. QuizGenerator-Make a quiz in Excel
Step 2: Create a quiz. Select the part of the text that you want to be read out.<>and enclose it in parentheses.
As well as the text<>the text will be read out loud by the specified speaker. (Joanna by default)
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:Text-to-speech problems
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #mode:master
5 #lang:en
6 Listen to the English text and choose the correct one.<<We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday&gt;&gt;<br>[[images/g.png]] true-false: 10 2 3 4 5
7 Listen to the following story and answer the question.<>
How many fruits did Lisa buy in total?
sa: 9|1+2+3+4+5-6=9
sa: Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30) Taisho era (1912.7.30-1926.12.25) Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7) Heisei era (1989.1.8- ) republicanism
9 Listen to the question and answer→<<Mizuki: Apples, Chinese cabbage, bananas, eggplants, strawberries, and onions. How many fruits are there in total? true-false: 3|apple, banana, strawberry four two five

Sample Quiz