

QuizGeneratorは、数式を使った設問を作成できます。[#と#]の間にLaTeX型式で数式を記述すると、画像に変換されて設問内に表示されます。 解説内でもお使い頂けます。LaTeXの使い方については、List of LaTeX command sheets  

How to Create a Mathematical Problem

  • text
  • Excel
#passing_score:50 #time_limit:300 #messages_intro:問題スタート!! 5角形の内角の和は? sa: [#540^\circ#]  [#360^\circ#]  [#450^\circ#]  [#(3\times3)-(6\div2)#]  sa: 6 3 2 [#3^{3}-2^{3}#]  sa: 19 13 5 [#(6\times7)-(25\div5)#]  sa: 37 27 17 平行四辺形の内角の和は? sa: [#105^\circ#]  [#205^\circ#]  [#115^\circ#]  [#(8\times8)-(72\div9)#]  sa: 56 46 66 [#\frac{3}{5}-\frac{1}{5}#]  sa: [#\frac{2}{5}#]  [#\frac{1}{5}#]  [#\frac{3}{5}#] 
A b C d e
1 #format:table true-false:
2 What is the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon? true-false: [#540^\circ#] [#360^\circ#] [#450^\circ#]
3 [#(3\times3)-(6\div2)#] true-false: 6 3 2
4 [#3^{3}-2^{3}#] true-false: 19 13 5
5 [#-8+\{3-(-2^{3})}\times4-(4^{2}+5)\div(-3)#] true-false: 43 32 37
6 Find the square root of the following number. true-false: [#↩pm484#] [1am3pm221stp3t] [1tps3t pm181tps3t]


  You can also create questions that use mathematical formulas.