Question Types
13 types of questions in a wide variety of formats
QuizGenerator, a quiz question creation tool, supports any question format!
You can create quizzes and tests from a variety of questions.

Choose an answer out of multiple choices.

Select an answer from multiple choices with images.

Selective Question Quick
Choose a correct answer from multiple choices. Movable to the next quiz with a single click.

Multiple MCQs
Select multiple answers from multiple choices.

Select "True" or "False."

Match correct answers.

Sequence answers in appropriate order.

Drag an answer to an appropriate box.

Short answer
Type a short answer.
*You can specify multiple answers.

Short answer+
Type multiple answers in any order.

Multiple short answers
Type multiple answers.
*You can specify multiple answers.

Pull-down menu
Select an answer from a pull-down list inserted in a Quiz sentence.

Report and questionnaire description
Answer in a report format. Scoring a report or
quiestionnaire is available inlearningBOX.