

Rearrangement questions are a type of question in which you drag and move a random list of choices to rearrange them in the correct order. This question type does not support the insertion of images, sounds, or mathematical formulas in the choices.

Sample quiz

How to create a quiz
Sequencing can be created in text or excel.
  • text
  • Excel
The first line beginning with # is the setting for the entire quiz. The question data is input by separating blank lines. The first line of each block is the question text, the second line is a fixed "sort:", and the third and subsequent lines contain the choices in the correct order from top to bottom. In the following example, the first question text is "Sort from the top in order of size". The correct choices are "whale", "tuna", "carp", "crucian carp", and "medaka" from the top.
#messages_intro:Miscellaneous quiz! #question_count:10 1)Please sort from the top in order from the largest to the smallest sort:. whales Tuna carp crucian carp killifish 2) Sort the number units from the smallest to the largest sort:(p) pico(p) nano(n) micro(μ) millimeter(m) centimeter(c) 3) Sort by the number of convenience stores from the top sort:(number of stores) 7-Eleven Family Mart Lawson Ministop Daily Yamazaki 4) Sort the 2018 Name Rankings (Boys) from the top to the bottom in order of popularity. sort:. HARTO YOUTH SOUTA Minato HARUKI 5) Sort the list from the top to the bottom in order of popularity in the Heisei Karaoke General Ranking. sort:. Cruel Angel's Thesis Hanamizuki Little Love Song Cherry Kiseki
The first line, #format:table, declares that the question data is to be written in tabular form. Each line describes the question text, "sort:", and the order in which the correct answers are given, starting from the front. In the following example, the question text for the first question is "Sort from the top in order of size". The correct answer choices are "whale", "tuna", "carp", "crucian carp", and "medaka" from the top. Click here to see a sample. sort1-4.xlsx
A b C d e f g
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:Quiz on Miscellaneous
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #mode:master
5 #lang:en
6 1) Sort from larger population. sa: China India Pakistan Nigeria Mexico
7 2) Sort from top to bottom, starting the smallest. sa: pico(p) Nano(n) Micro (μ) millimeter(m) cm(c)