Release notes


  • Faster time to complete display of mathematical/chemical structure formulas.
  • When studying a quiz with three options: "suspendable," "time_limit," and "show_suspendable_button," the quiz would move to the results screen when the time limit expired even if the suspend button was pressed. This problem has been corrected so that the quiz will be suspended correctly.
  • When a quiz was suspended with Option: "suspendable" and then resumed with Option: "time_limit", unanswered questions would be resumed incorrectly.
  • When studying quizzes with the exam layout (vertical writing) on the iPadOS, there was a problem with the screen not displaying correctly when moving between questions.
  • When downloading the operation log CSV, a bug that caused unanswered questions to be output as blanks has been corrected so that they are now output as "unanswered.


  • After studying a quiz or test in Master Mode, if you click the "View" button on the results screen to move to the question page, and then try to move between contents, you will see the message "You are still in the process of answering the question. Your score may not be saved correctly. was displayed on the results screen.


  • The key operation is now disabled when zooming in on an image set in a question.
  • A bug that prevented the [Score] button from being pressed on Android devices has been corrected.


  • [When a control character is entered in a fill-in, fill-in-multi, or fill-in-plus quiz, the control character is automatically deleted.
  • The key operation is now disabled when zooming in on an image set in a question.
  • The quizzes in the "match", "fill-in", "fill-in-multi", and "fill-in-plus" formats are now displayed as character strings when using the short code in the link function. Quizzes in other formats can be used as a link function.
  • Data used for [Media] in TinyMCE now supports data with capital letter extensions.
  • [A bug that prevented the study screen from displaying properly in Internet Explorer 11 has been corrected.
  • [The video set in the "Messages_intro" section of the start screen was not being played.
  • A bug that prevented the [Score] button from being pressed on Android devices has been corrected.


  • The question format of [Click, Sort, Fill-in-the-blank] and questions with large font size have been modified so that the entire text of the choices is displayed.
  • While studying a question with the language set to English on a mobile device, the entire [Correct/Incorrect] text displayed when a correct/incorrect answer is given has been modified to be displayed.
  • Option: Adjusted the display width of the description field when learning a multiple-description quiz with the font size specified in the Font Size (font-size).
  • A problem with the Firefox browser, which caused grades to be sent when the "Do you want to leave this page? was being sent at the same time as the confirmation dialog box "Do you want to leave this page?
  • In Master Mode quizzes, a bug was found in which the achievement rate was not displayed correctly when Option: [suspend/resume function (suspendable)], Option: [resume from results screen (display_results_ad_start)], Option: [show_answers_so_far answered in Master Mode (show_answers_so_far) When [show_answers_so_far] was set, the achievement rate was not displayed correctly.


  • A "Again button" has been placed on the results screen. It is now possible to start the study again from the results screen.
  • Option: [Resume from results screen (#display_results_at_start:true)] is now available in master mode.
  • Option: [Show answered in master mode (#show_answers_so_far:true)] is now available in master mode.
  • Option: [Show result screen after clear (#show_a_look_back:true)] is now available in master mode.
  • Adjusted the design of [section tags / question tags].
  • Option: [#messages_passed_title] / [#messages_failed_title] were not being displayed with the format set for the title. The problem has been corrected so that the set formatting is applied and displayed.
  • Option: Even if [Show correct/incorrect answers for each question (#show_instant_result)] was set to off, the pagination would still show correct/incorrect answers when the browser backed up or reloaded.
  • If the option was set to "Allow submission for unanswered questions" and the string "(Unselected)" was set for the correct answer in a pull-down question, and the pull-down section was left blank, the correct answer would be determined as the correct answer and points would be given for that answer.
  • When a question was displayed from the question list page, the [Suspend / Submit] button was not displayed.
  • The overall quiz score and correct/incorrect answers for each question were not being displayed.
  • In the Report/Questionnaire Writing System, there was a problem in which the [Move Button] was displayed vertically when displaying answers to questions with [Handwriting with Pen] set as the writing method.
  • In the option "Allow submission for unanswered questions" and "Set the string (Unselected) as the correct answer for fill-in-the-blank questions", if a question was submitted with a blank fill-in-the-blank section, it was marked as a correct answer and points were given for it.
  • The study screen was not displayed in [Internet Explorer 11].


  • Option: Suspendable Resume function (#suspendable:true/true_resume) is now available in master mode.
  • An error message is now displayed when an empty file is uploaded.
  • Option: Time limit per question (#time_limit_mode:question) and Option: Show_instant_result:false (#show_instant_result:false) have been modified to be used together.
  • Localization of the text in the buttons has been implemented.


  • Changed option value descriptions and placeholder notations from On/Off to On(true) and Off(false) in the quiz/test creation form in the learningBOX.
  • Full-width spaces and commas in section and question tags were being replaced with half-width characters.
  • The sound during background playback continued to play even after moving to the suspend screen or the result screen while the playback was in progress.


  • When a time limit is set for each question, the "correct/incorrect" indicator can now be set to "no".
  • Report submission format questions can now be submitted with the file extension capitalized.
  • A problem with questions displaying the overall time limit that did not count down when suspended and resumed after submission has been made has been corrected to count down.
  • On iOS13/14 devices, when creating a quiz, if you entered text in the commentary and set an image after a line break, a cross would appear behind the image when displaying the commentary on the study screen.
  • The callouts on the submit button displayed after learning were corrupted depending on the English notation and the number of characters.
  • While studying a question that displays previous answers in the question text, there was a problem in which the audio would continue to play if the answer was closed while the audio was playing.
  • When the "correct/incorrect" display for each question was set to "not" and "move between questions" was set to "yes," there was a problem in which pressing the Enter button would not advance to the next question.


  • Reconfigured a bug that the start screen was not displayed properly when opening a quiz in Master mode on iOS devices.
  • Added a function to display a link in the same tab while answering a quiz.
  • Added a function to allow the content of a quiz to be carried over and displayed in another one.
  • Added a new option, "Allow submission without answering." (#allow_submission_without_answer:true) Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher.
  • Added a new option, "Rounding of score."(#rounding_setting_of_score:round) Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher.
  • Added a new option, "Audio background playback." (#background_audio_playback:true). Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher.
  • Added a new option, "Title at the waiting for scoring screen." (#messages_waiting_for_grading_title:{any string}). Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher.
  • Added a new option, "Messages at the waiting for scoring screen" (#messages_waiting_for_grading_body:{any string}). Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher.
  • Added a function to display specific answers from different quizzes in a quiz. Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher.
  • Added a function, "Text Input & File Submission" to Report/questionnaire. Type textarea-report:(((file:{5,10,30,100,300,500,1000}|{all or any extension you specify}))(((id:{any string}))) in the Quiz format. Available in learningBOX-2.17.13 or higher. The file size specified after "file:" depends on your contract of learningBOX.
  • Added a function to display icons for correct/incorrect/waiting for scoring/partial points in pagination of quiz/test.
  • Translated error messages displayed in a short answer quiz in English in addition to Japanese ones.
  • Reconfigured a bug that a formula was corrupted when the cursor was removed from the answer column and the Enter key was pressed in addition to the situation the quiz was placed between other quizzes.
