Release notes


  • Reconfigured a bug that quizzes with blank choices could not be reconverted to quizgen-5.13.5.
  • Reconfigured a bug that the image was not displayed on the player's screen when a quiz had been created without specifying the size of the svg image.
  • Reconfigured a bug that the quiz was not displayed properly when the text, "length," was used as a choice.


  • Added Section ID settings and option number settings. Available in learningBOX-2.16.7 or higher.
  • For quizzes set to English in the options, 〇/✖ buttons on True/false quizzes have been changed to "True/False," and the 〇/✖ notation for correct/incorrect answers and the ✓/✖ notation for count display has been changed to Correct/Incorrect.
  • Reconfigured the tables so that it can scroll to left and right to display the whole table when the width of the table inserted in the quiz is wider than the one of the screen on which you are learning.
  • Reconfigured to enable to learn contents even if the pull-down numbers are not set in numerical order.
  • Reconfigured to display a new line as a half-width space in the middle of table tags if Excel data contained the tags, etc..
  • Reconfigured a bug that the answer did not transfer properly when a quiz was resumed.
  • Reconfigured a bug that the radio buttons were not colored when you clicked them in the learning situation with the form of MCQ(select images).
  • Reconfigured a bug that quizzes could not be created when Excel data contained multiple rows of tabs.


  • Modified the wavy brackets when setting pull-downs so that they work even if they are not placed in numerical order.
  • Modified the message in learningBOX when you re-upload the original data with Master mode, which includes pause data with Normal mode.
  • Reconfigured a bug that images were not displayed properly after resuming a quiz with answer transfer settings.


  • Modified a time lag when answering a quiz with a time limit set for each question.
  • Reconfigured a bug that correct answers were displayed even when "Show correct answers when answered incorrectly" was set to "Off."
  • Reconfigured a bug that the color of the pagination of answered questions was not displayed properly.


  • Modified to be desplayed a uniform commentary when you answer "I don't know" or the time runs out without answering.
  • Modified the settings not to countdown when answering a quiz with a time limit for each question and resuming it after pausing with the correct/wrong answer displayed,


  • Availabe to submit report/questionnaire with handwriting. It works with learningBOX-2.15.10 or higher.
  • You can now set up a description page. This feature works with learningBOX-2.15.10 or later.
  • Answers to one question can now be transferred to other questions and displayed.
  • Added a new function to click the button to display the image.
  • The ability to prohibit movement between sections has been added.
  • Modified the conversion settings in answer fields when creating a fill-in-the-blank/pull-down quiz,
  • Section/question tags are now available to use single-byte brackets.
  • Modified to be displayed the proper tooltip of the start button in a quiz with a scroll bar.
  • Reconfigured a bug that the color of the pagination disappeared when moving to a quiz from the quiz list page.
  • Reconfigured a bug that if a quiz with 0 answers was downloaded as Excel/tsv and re-uploaded, it did not work properly. Available in learningBOX-2.15.10 or higher.


  • Moified to be recorded your score in the learningBOX when the start button is pressed.
  • Reconfigured a bug that a quiz was not started from the beggining when you clicked "Restart" after clicking on "Pause" with a time limit.
  • Reconfigured a bug that a start button could not be pressed when a quiz contained both named and unnamed sections.


  • Modified to let you create quizzes that include multiple identical choices in fill-in-the-blank quizzes.
  • Modified not to display correct/incorrect answers with no answers.
  • Reconfigured a bug that prevented the radio button of MCQ from being selected once.


  • When answering fill-in-the-blank questions, you can now answer by tapping as well as dragging. Tap the frame you want to answer, and then tap the choice you want to answer to set the choice in the frame.
  • Changed the wording of "capture rate" to "achievement rate".
  • Improved the quick answer format so that explanations are not displayed when time runs out or you select "I don't know".
  • Modified to display the alt attribute information when it is set in the image.
  • When "No shuffle" and "Set the number of questions" were used together, the questions were shuffled, but the problem has been fixed so that the questions are not shuffled.
  • Fixed a problem in which the display of mathematical expressions collapsed when moving from the result screen by clicking the Review button.
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip displayed on the Master mode button would appear when starting a quiz in Normal mode.
  • Fixed a bug that section names containing tags such as HTML were not displayed.
  • There was a bug that quizzes with input specified as a class in the question data could not be answered correctly, so it has been fixed so that quizzes can be answered.


  • The error messages have been unified because there were some conflicting expressions.
  • A bug that prevented learning in Internet Explorer 11 has been fixed so that learning is now possible.
  • Fixed a bug that section tag names and question tag names containing HTML and other tags were not displayed.
