Features & Manuals

Features & Manuals

Question creation tool for PC and smartphones (iPhone, iPad, Android).
Quiz format For more comprehensive management, MCQ For more comprehensive management, MCQ (button) For more comprehensive management, True/False For more comprehensive management, Multiple MCQs For more comprehensive management, Short answer For more comprehensive management, Short answer+ For more comprehensive management, Multiple short answers For more comprehensive management, Fill-in-the-blank For more comprehensive management, Sequencing For more comprehensive management, Matching For more comprehensive management, Pull-down menu For more comprehensive management, Report/questionnaire For more comprehensive management, MCQ (image)
time limit Limit answer time
Questions by section Divide quizzes into several groups and specify number of questions. You can avoid unevenness in the contents and difficulty.
Number of questions You can specify the number of questions to be submitted from a set of questions.
  • Randomize the order of quizzes: Quizzes will be given in a different order each time.
  • Randomize choices: It prevents members from memorizing the correct answers in a position.
Repeat quizzes you failed
  • Start...Quizzes with Not answered/Ongoing/Failed will be shown. It is not available when learning progress reaches 100%.
  • Retry failed quizzes...When your learning progress reaches 100%, 5 quizzes that you are not good at will be shown without limit, and the order of the them will be in the order from smaller correct answer rate.
  • Review mode...Available when learning progress reaches100% / All questions are randomized / No upper limit of %.
  • For more information, click onMaster Mode.
Commentary You can set a commentary for each quiz, answer and choice.
Image & Sound Insert images and audio into a Quiz sentence and choices.
Supported devices In addition to Windows PCs and Macs, iPhones, iPads and various Android devices are supported.
SCORM SCORM1.2 and SCORM2004 are supported. It records not only the scores but also the answers to each quiz.
Formulas Write formula in LaTeX format.They are converted to images.
Change the font size Font size can be changed as you llike.

QuizGenerator Licenseto hide the credit notation.
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