MCQ (image)

MCQ (image)

These questions are in the format of selecting a correct answer/answers from multiple choices. Up to two rows of choices are displayed for each question, and you can choose an answer/answers by clicking on the image(s).

Sample quiz

How to create a quiz

MCQ (image) can be created using the text format, Excel or "Quiz/exam creation Form."
  • text
  • Excel
The first line is for the question text; the second line is for the quiz format; the third line is for the correct answer choices; the fourth and subsequent lines are for the wrong choices. Finally, compress the [images] folder with the images and the quiz text file to complete the process. After converting and uploading the zip file, the quiz will be displayed. Create a picture quiz In the example below, the text of the first question is "Choose Mont-Saint-Michel which is one of the World Heritage Sites." The correct answer choice is [[images/1.png]] and the incorrect answer choices are [[images/2.png]], [[images/3.png]] and [[images/4.png]].
Choose Mont-Saint-Michel which is one of the World Heritage Sites.
Choose the first president of U.S.A.
To create questions in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the top of the file. 1 question corresponds to 1 line. Each line contains the question text, [sa-box:], correct answers, and incorrect answers, separated by tabs. In the first question of the example below, the question text is "Please select a prefecture in Shikoku", the correct answer is "[[images/1.png]]", and the incorrect answers are "[[images/2.png]]", "[[images/3.png]]" and "[[images/4.png]]". Finally, compress the [images] folder containing the images and the Excel file to complete the process. After converting and uploading the zip file, the quiz will be displayed. Quiz - Excel Click here to see samples
Quiz sentence Problem format correct answer incorrect answer incorrect answer incorrect answer
#format:table sa-box:
Choose Mont-Saint-Michel which is one of the World Heritage Sites. sa-box: o:[[images/1.png]] x:[[images/2.png]] x:[[images/3.png]] x:[[images/4.png]]
Choose the first president of U.S.A. sa-box: o:[[images/5.png]] x:[[images/6.png]] x:[[images/7.png]] x:[[images/8.png]]