MCQ (image)

MCQ (image)

The question is in the format of selecting the correct answer from multiple choices.
The choices for each question are displayed in up to two columns, and the answer can be selected by clicking on the image.

Sample quiz

How to create a quiz

You can create from three types of forms: text/table format/creation form.

The first line is for entering the problem statement.
The second line should contain the format of the quiz questions.
The third line sets the correct answer choices and the fourth and subsequent lines set the wrong choices.
Finally, compress the [images] folder containing the images and the quiz text file to complete the process.
The resulting ZIP file can be converted and uploaded to display the quiz.

Create a picture quiz

In the example below, the text of the first question is "Choose Mont-Saint-Michel which is one of the World Heritage Sites." The correct answer choice is [[images/1.png]] and the incorrect answer choices are [[images/2.png]], [[images/3.png]] and [[images/4.png]].

Choose Mont-Saint-Michel which is one of the World Heritage Sites.


Choose the first president of U.S.A.


To create questions in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the beginning of the file.
One question corresponds to one line. Each line contains the question text, [sa-box:], correct answers, and incorrect answers, separated by tabs.

In the first question in the example below, the question text is "Choose a prefecture that is part of Shikoku", the correct answer is "[[images/1.png]]" and the incorrect answers are "[[images/2.png]]", "[[images/3.png]]" and "[[images/4.png]]".

Finally, compress the [images] folder containing the images and the Excel file to complete the process.
The resulting ZIP file can be converted and uploaded to display the quiz.

Quiz - Excel

Click here to see samples

Quiz sentence Problem format correct answer incorrect answer incorrect answer incorrect answer
#format:table sa-box:
Choose Mont-Saint-Michel which is one of the World Heritage Sites. sa-box: o:[[images/1.png]] x:[[images/2.png]] x:[[images/3.png]] x:[[images/4.png]]
Choose the first president of U.S.A. sa-box: o:[[images/5.png]] x:[[images/6.png]] x:[[images/7.png]] x:[[images/8.png]]