Short answer+

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Short answer+

This is a format in which multiple combinations of answers are given to a single question.
For example, in the following question, the correct answer would be "USA, Canada, Russia" or "Canada, USA, Russia" or "USA, Russia, Canada".

Sample quiz

How to create a quiz

You can create from three types of forms: text/table format/creation form.

text format

What are the top 3 countries with the largest area?
United States,USA

Click here to see samplesDownload.

A b C d e
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:
3 What are the top 3 countries with the largest area? fill-in-plus: United States,USA Canada Russia


Please note that if there are multiple ways to write the correct answer (i.e., if you want the correct answer to be both "U.S." and "America"), unlike fill-in, you must separate them with a comma (,).

For normal Short answer questions (fill-in:)

You can specify multiple correct answer notations by filling in a new line for text, or columns C, D, etc. for spreadsheets.

(Example text)
What country is google headquartered in?
United States

Short answer+ and (fill-in-plus:)

You can specify multiple correct answers by separating them with "," (comma).

What country is google headquartered in?
United States,USA