Short answer+

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Short answer +

The Short Answer + will ask you to answer a single question with a combination of multiple answers. For example, the following question will be answered correctly if the answer is "USA, Canada, Russia" or "Canada, USA, Russia" or "USA, Russia, Canada".

Sample quiz

  • text
  • Excel

text format

What are the top 3 countries with the largest area? fill-in-plus:. United States,USA Canada Russia
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A b C d e
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:
3 What are the top 3 countries with the largest area? fill-in-plus: United States,USA Canada Russia


If you allow members to answer multiple ways to type a correct answer such as both "Caspian Sea" and "caspian sea," you need to specify them separated by commas (,) unlike "fill-in" for Short answer.
For normal Short answer questions (fill-in:)
You can specify multiple correct answer notations by filling in a new line for text, or columns C, D, etc. for spreadsheets.
(Example text) In which country is google headquartered? fill-in: (e.g., "google", "", "") United States of America United States of America
Short answer+ and (fill-in-plus:)
You can specify multiple correct answers by separating them with "," (comma).
What country is google headquartered in? fill-in-plus:. United States,USA