• How to Use the Question Creation Form

How to create a quiz using the question creation form

Simply follow the format of the question creation form and enter the question text and correct answers in the designated areas.

Here's how to make the quiz.

The Quiz/Test Creation Form will appear. Please enter a quiz title and click [ Edit Question ].

Quiz - Question Creation Form

You will create your quiz on the question edit screen. First, select the format of the question.

Quiz - Create a quiz with the question creation form

This time, as an exercise, we will show you an example of a correct/incorrect question.

Errata - Question Creation Form

▼Click the Preview button to see the quiz in action.

How to create a quiz with the question creation form

▼Click the Save button to complete the quiz.

Question Creation Form - Save

You can adjust the number of questions by clicking (+) to add more questions or (-) to remove questions from the quiz. Click on the "Publish" button when you have completed the settings.

Create quizzes using the question creation form


What happens after you press the "Publish" button?

learningBOX (https://lms.quizgenerator.netIf you are creating a quiz while you are logged in on our website (see below), or if you are creating a quiz while you are logged in on thehttps://quizgenerator.net), the flow will be different if you are creating a quiz for the first time (without registering an account). Please see below.

If you are already logged in to learningBOX (account registered)

If you have already logged in to learningBOX (registered an account), you can click the "Publish" button to add the quiz you have created to the content management screen.

How to create a quiz with the question creation form

If you are creating a quiz for the first time on our website (https://quizgenerator.net) (without a registered learningBOX account)

If you are creating a quiz for the first time on our website (https://quizgenerator.net) (you have not registered for a LearningBOX account), and if you create a quiz from the question creation form in Quizgenerator, the final step is to "publish" the quiz to the public. For more information about the flow, please see list of optionsThe details are described in the following table.

Quiz Creation Form - How to Register