June 23, 2017 QuizGenerator 5.1.1 released.
Fixed Lightbox behavior on iPhone
Fixed a bug that the image embedded in the form of [[img.png]] was displayed out of the display range when the image was enlarged by Lightbox while the screen was scrolled when learning on iPhone.
Future Plans
2017 (undecided) Version 5.1.2 to be released
A candidate for implementation would be
New Feature Ideas
Whether or not it will be implemented is yet to be determined.
(1) Player function
This is an improvement of the quiz player itself.
Pulldown menu Show choices in text or show multiple pulldowns at the end
(2) External functions
We also plan to focus on developing peripheral functions.
- Text format is difficult for beginners.
- Stable learning even in the subway where the communication line is not stable.
- You can sell your content easily.
Released Versions
- Supports keystroke solutions
- Support for moving to the previous or next question
- Question list screen is added.
- Major design updates
- Optimized for iPhone
- Integration of result display screen - answers for each question are displayed together
- Optimized for iPad
- 出題形式の追加 – MCQ (button)
- A function to submit only the questions you got wrong (Master mode)implementation
- Constraint function for answer order
- Solve the questions in order from the first one.
- Solve in any order
- Android Support
- Fixed a bug that style sheets were not applied to iPad version (a bug that occurred in 1.3.1)
- Fixed the problem that the feedback display column is broken in IE6.
- Numerous design tweaks
- Fixed to send interactions.n.type in button style questions (SCORM related)
- Fixed the problem that the magnification rate changes when rotating the screen on iOS5.0 on iPhone.
- Fixed an issue where feedback was not displayed correctly for button style questions.
- 出題形式「正誤問題」の追加
- SCORM2004 Support
- design coordination
- Improved stability
- Time limit for each question
- Questions with audio and video
- Addition of question types
- Design Revisions
- Corresponds to explanations of the format of written questions
- Support for special symbols in button format
- Improved stability
- Corresponding to chemical structural formula
- Support for multiple answers (in any order) to short answer questions
- A complete redesign
- Fixed problems with text size and language settings.
- The size of the player changes according to the size of the window.
- Supports section-based questions
- Fixed an inappropriate message that was displayed when a fill-in-the-blank question was set to batch submission.
- The display of the chemical structure formula was broken.
- Expansion of the writing field for short answer questions and multiple choice questions
- Visual feedback when the full strategy button is disabled
- Fixed the display collapse of the result screen.
- Display of formulas and chemical structural formulae in explanatory text
- If you don't want to show the result immediately, change the color of the scoring button to red and the shape to a circle.
- Added a setting that does not show the submit button except on the last page when the setting is not to show the result immediately.
- Added settings for the pass/fail title and the pass/fail message in the header section of the result screen.
- Added a setting to hide the summary and detail sections of the result screen.
- Visualize the transition of the capture rate in the summary section of the result screen
- Change credit position
- Added the ability to display section names.
- Changed so that #shuffle_choices:false and #shuffle_questions:false can be set in master mode.
- Fixed the problem that the last question is hidden in the result view.
- Changed the starting point for measuring the time required.
- After conversion, "Preview", "Download", "Limited Release" andPublic releaseYou can now select
- Improved the display collapse of the result screen when viewing on mobile devices.
- Even if you are not connected to the Internet, you can use the "againImproved to be able to press the "+" button.
- Changed the background of the explanation display to non-transparent.
- selection quickThe answer button of the "Answer" page is changed to expand according to the content.
- Added the ability to reset the problem scroll state
- Added a function to reset the commentary scroll state.
- Corrected the interpretation of correct answers in multiple answer questions
- For questions with pre-set explanations, the explanation box is displayed in the bottom 2/3 of the screen (large).
- Optimized the display of the question count (how many questions are there now/total number of questions) in the upper left corner of the screen.
- The maximum number of answers for multiple-choice questions is increased to 20.
- Improve usability on iPhone when question texts, options, explanations, etc. are long.
- Show errors when uploading
- Usability improvement on iPhone for multiple-choice and multiple-writing questions
- Improved the usability of the "Close" button in the upper right corner when displaying the correct/incorrect answer for each question.
- Improved scrolling when embedding web
- Support for ".csv" and ".tsv" extensions when using conversion tools
- Changed interpretation of colons in option values
- Improved processing when uploading an empty file.
- Improved scroll control for "Fill-in-the-blank", "Sort by", and "Combination" question types.
- Improved scrolling control for "Short Answer," "Multiple Short Answer," "Multiple Choice," and "Multiple Choice" question types.
- Improved behavior when clicking images and links
- Improved the display position of the "again" button, "← →" button, "submit" button, and "grade" button on the iPhone.
- iPhoneにおける、出題形式「記述」「複数記述」「択一」「複数選択」の場合のスクロール制御の改善
- Addition of the function to limit the playback of the voice to only one time
- Change the behavior of images inserted with [[image.png]].
- Added voice synthesis function
- Added the format in which question data can be registered.
- Multiple correct answers can now be set in multiple answer questions.
- Images and sounds can now be set for question choices.
- Change the display method when grading multiple-choice questions