

The question is in the form of rearranging the items displayed on the left side by dragging and moving the choices on the right side so that they form a corresponding relationship.
*The insertion of images, audio, and mathematical formulas in the choices section is not supported.

Sample quiz

How to create a quiz

You can create from three types of forms: text/table format/creation form.

  • text
  • Excel
  • Create Form

The first line, starting with #, is the setting for the entire quiz. The question data is entered between blank lines. The first line of each block is the question sentence, the second line should be "match:", and the third and subsequent lines are the "correspondence source::correct answer choices". In the real player, the source of the correspondence is fixed and the choices are randomly sorted.

In the following example, the first question reads, "Sort from the older period."
The correct answer choices, from top to bottom, are "Tokyo" for "Japan," "Beijing" for "China," "Seoul" for "South Korea," and "Hanoi" for "Vietnam."

#messages_intro:Combination problem

1) Match the correct answers.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.

2) Match the correct combination for the weight of the coin.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.
1 yen::1g

3) Correct the combination.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.

4) Correct the combination.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.

5) Correct the combination.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.
Matsue City::Shimane Prefecture
Takamatsu City::Kagawa Prefecture
Matsuyama City::Ehime Prefecture
Tsu City::Mie Prefecture

The first line, starting with #, is the configuration for the whole question. #format:table in the first line declares that the question data should be written in tabular format. 4 and later, each line corresponds to a question. Each line contains the question text, "match:", and "the source of the correspondence::the correct answer choice".

In the following example, the first question reads, "Sort from the older period."
The correct answer choices, from top to bottom, are "Tokyo" for "Japan," "Beijing" for "China," "Seoul" for "South Korea," and "Hanoi" for "Vietnam."
Click here to see samples match1-2.xlsx

A b C d e d
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:Combination problem
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #mode:master
5 #lang:en
6 1) Match the correct answers. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. Patronage::Abuse Safety::Danger Illegal::Legal Reform::follow
7 2) Match the correct combination for the weight of the coin. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. 1 yen::1g 5yen::3.75g 10yen::4.5g 50yen::4g
8 3) Correct the combination. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. January::January March::March December::December November::November
9 4) Correct the combination. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. H::Hydrogen N::Nitrogen Ca::calcium K::potassium
10 5) Correct the combination. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. Matsue City::Shimane Prefecture Takamatsu City::Kagawa Prefecture Matsuyama City::Ehime Prefecture Tsu City::Mie Prefecture