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  • Report/questionnaire


Starting with QuizGenerator 5.4.1, you can now create report/questionnaire style questions. Please note that this format does not support the insertion of images/sound/formulas.
  • text
  • Excel
The first line beginning with # is the setting for the entire quiz. Question data should be entered on separate blank lines. The first line of each block is the question text, and the second line should be "textarea-report:" or "textarea-enquete:". The "textarea-report:" allows the administrator to grade the questions in the learningBOX." In "textarea-enquete:", the format is that if something is entered, a score is given.
#title:Questionnaire Scored by administrator textarea-report:. Assign a score if a description is available textarea-enquete: Score the questionnaire with a score if there is a description.
The first line, starting with #, is the setting for the entire question; the first line, #format:table, declares that the question data should be written in a table format; after the third line, each line corresponds to a question." textarea-report:" allows the administrator to grade the questions in the learningBOX." In "textarea-enquete:", the format is that if something is entered, a score is given. Click here to see a sample.
A b
1 #format:table
2 #title:Questionnaire
3 Scoring by the admin textarea-report:
4 Allocate scores if any keys entered. textarea-enquete: