• What kind of quiz can I make?



In this question type, you are requied to choose true/false.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeTrue/False


Olympic host city quiz



These are multiple-choice questions where you can choose the correct answer from multiple choices, not just four.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeMCQ


Sample Quiz


Multiple Choice Questions (Quick Mode)

It is basically the same as the multiple choice questions. The advantage is that in Quick Mode the choices become buttons and you don't have to press the "Submit" button.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeMultiple Choice Questions (Quick Mode)

The following will be quizzes created with selected questions (quick mode).

Sample Quiz

   Choice of questions (button style) - 10 questions randomly selected from 47 questions

Multiple MCQs

This is a question where you have to choose more than one option.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeMultiple MCQs

Frequently Asked Questions on Multiple Choice
Multiple choice questions with 0 correct answers
We have answers to the following questions. Please see if you need it.

World Agriculture

  Multiple MCQs

Short answer

Short Answer questions are questions that learners answer by keystrokes; multiple examples of correct answers can be specified for a single question.
The options "Ignore uppercase and lowercase", "Ignore the number of whitespace", and "Ignore leading and trailing whitespace" allow you to specify the condition flexibly.
For details on how to create questions and specify options, seeShort answer


chemical symbol (i.e. H for hydrogen, O for oxygen, etc.)

  Short answer

Multiple short answers

Multiple answer boxes can be specified for a single question.

For more information on how to create a problem, seeMultiple short answers


  Multi short answers questions


Fill-in-the-blank questions require you to drag and move the correct choice to fill in the holes in the text.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeFill-in-the-blank


History of Japan



Using this quiz type allows you to answer dragging choices into the correct order.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeSequencing





Combinatorics is a type of question in which you drag and move the choices on the right side of the screen to the items on the left side to rearrange them so that they correspond.
For more information on how to create a problem, seeMatching


Capital of the World
