Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Optimize table display

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • If submission is not allowed when unanswered, the final question can be submitted even if unanswered.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

In-Study Screen / Content Management > Quiz/Test Creation Form
    • Add Option
      • Where to display the answer column
        • If you select [Follow question text], minimize the space between the question text and the answer field.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Ruby can be displayed in [Question] of the question list / [Your Answer] of the result screen.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • In the case of [Report/Questionnaire] and [Input Text & Submit File], you can upload the file even if it has already been submitted.
    • When the number of available lessons is 0 remaining, the [Study again] button on the results screen is displayed.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Adjusted the design of the question format: [Corrected question
    • Layout: Adjust the design of the test layout (horizontal / vertical)

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Adjusting the amount of communication during learning
 Quiz and Test Creation Form
    • Modified to inherit default values of options when updating from QUIZ-5 series
    • Change to allow registration of blank characters with the following options
      • Title of the pass screen
      • Message on the acceptance screen
      • Rejected screen title
      • Rejection screen message
      • Title of the screen waiting for scoring
      • Message on the screen waiting for scoring

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • Exercise format: If a [pull-down] choice contains a formula, the formula will be in code notation during the study.
content management
    • Cannot upload compressed files on macOS
Grade Details
    • When only text answers are submitted to [Report/Questionnaire] > [Text & File], the answers are not displayed in the grade details.

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • Option: When "Choice Shuffle" is Off, the choice numbers are not displayed correctly in the "Grades" > "By Content" screen.
    • Question Format: If there are identical choices in [Combine / Sort], the number of choices will increase during the study.
    • Question Format: If there are identical choices in [Fill-in-the-blanks], the choices will disappear during the study.
    • Question Format: [Combination / Pulldown] choices do not reflect formulas
    • Images of chemical structure formulas are not displayed

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Conversion Tool
    • Modified download file conversion process
    • Adjustment of limited / public preview display


  • Option: When "Allow_submission_without_answer" was set to "On (true)" for a quiz/test question with the question type: "Fill-in-the-blanks", the correct answers displayed next to the choices were not displayed correctly when the answer was submitted with a blank space in the "fill-in-the-blanks" field. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a problem in which "Section ID/Question ID/Score/Duration" was not displayed correctly on the "Grade Control>Contents>Operation Log" screen when moving to "Question List" while studying.


  • Option: When "Allow_submission_without_answer" was set to "On (true)" for a quiz/test question with the question type: "Fill-in-the-blanks", the correct answers displayed next to the choices were not displayed correctly when the answer was submitted with a blank space in the "fill-in-the-blanks" field. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a problem in which "Section ID/Question ID/Score/Duration" was not displayed correctly on the "Grade Control>Contents>Operation Log" screen when moving to "Question List" while studying.


  • Option: When "autoplay" is set to "On (true)" and a playback limit is specified for an uploaded audio file, the "play audio" button is displayed and the audio is automatically played.
