Release notes

More new features 

The following functions have been added

Learning screen
    • design innovation
    • Add Option
      • Screen width setting (question_container_width)
    • Question Format: AI scoring added to [Report and Questionnaire Writing].
    • Added the ability to take over the scrolling position between questions when the question text is an exact match.
      • Exact match of problem statement input.
      • Use a short code to take over the problem statement.

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Eliminate the following options
      • CDN (cdn)
      • Hide pagination (hide_pagination)
    • Change the following option setting values
      • Remove language(lang):Spanish(sp)
      • Added language(lang):Vietnamese(vi)
    • Change the following option default values
      • Shuffle questions in order of appearance (shuffle_questions):Off(False)
      • Error count display (show_seigo_count):On(True)
      • Partial score function(partial_score):On(True)
      • Hide scoring button (hide_mark_button):Off(False)
      • Tag visibility(tag_visible):On(True)
      • Title of the pass screen (messages_passed_title):Congratulations on your pass.
      • Message on the pass screen (messages_passed_body):Keep working on this.
      • Rejection screen title (messages_failed_title):Unfortunately, the application has been rejected.
      • Message on the Failed Screen (messages_failed_body):Please review the questions you made a mistake on and try again.
      • Title of waiting for grading screen (messages_waiting_for_grading_title): accepted.
      • Message on the waiting screen for grading (messages_waiting_for_grading_body):Please wait a moment for grading.
    • Option: [Add "I don't know" as an option] partially modified
      • If "I don't know" is selected during the study of the question type: [Multiple Choice] in Master Mode, the graph on the start screen will be posted to "I don't know".
      • If "I don't know" is manually added to a question choice, it will be judged as correct or incorrect.
    • Option:[Section Shuffle] changed to On and Section:[Do not return from next section] changed to Disabled
      • When editing a quiz created before QUIZ-5.16.23 with QUIZ-6.1.2 or later, an error message warns the user
    • Result screen>Displays time limit for answering each question when viewing review
    • Option: [Layout]>[Exam Layout (Vertical)] layout/operability improved
    • Improved layout of results screen
    • Improved the layout of the choices for the question types: [Multiple Choice/Quick Choice/Multiple Choice/Combination/Sorting].
    • Improved usability on ChromeBook devices/learning

Correction details

The following issues have been fixed/resolved

Learning screen
    • Option: Fixed a bug in which the number of questions would fluctuate when suspending/resuming when [Section Shuffle] was On.


  • Option: When "Allow_submission_without_answer" was set to "On (true)" for a quiz/test question with the question type: "Fill-in-the-blanks", the correct answers displayed next to the choices were not displayed correctly when the answer was submitted with a blank space in the "fill-in-the-blanks" field. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a problem in which "Section ID/Question ID/Score/Duration" was not displayed correctly on the "Grade Control>Contents>Operation Log" screen when moving to "Question List" while studying.


  • Option: When "Allow_submission_without_answer" was set to "On (true)" for a quiz/test question with the question type: "Fill-in-the-blanks", the correct answers displayed next to the choices were not displayed correctly when the answer was submitted with a blank space in the "fill-in-the-blanks" field. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed a problem in which "Section ID/Question ID/Score/Duration" was not displayed correctly on the "Grade Control>Contents>Operation Log" screen when moving to "Question List" while studying.


  • Option: When "autoplay" is set to "On (true)" and a playback limit is specified for an uploaded audio file, the "play audio" button is displayed and the audio is automatically played.


  • Option: When "autoplay" is set to "On (true)" and a playback limit is specified for an uploaded audio file, the "play audio" button is displayed and the audio is automatically played.


  • Improved quiz stability.
  • Modified to prevent users from downloading image/video/audio files set in the quiz.
  • Option: When "autoplay" is set to "On (true)" and an audio file with a limited number of playback times in a question is uploaded, the audio will not be played automatically.


  • Improved quiz stability.
  • Option: If [Suspend/resume function (suspendable)] is set to [On (true)], the message displayed when clicking a link in the "Display link to" function on the results screen will be "Finish learning. Are you sure you want to move on?" The wording has been changed to "Are you sure you want to move on?
  • On mobile devices, when studying quizzes and tests in normal mode, the message "Smartphones are recommended to study in landscape mode" has been modified to be displayed in the center of the screen.
  • Option: When "autoplay" is set to "On (true)" and an audio file with a limited number of playback times in a question is uploaded, the audio will not be played automatically.
  • In Layout: [Examination Layout (Horizontal)], when the correct/false answer in Question Type: [Fill-in-the-blanks] was a long sentence, the choices and the question text overlapped when answering the question.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some text ruby to appear cut off in the Firefox browser.


  • Option: If [Suspend/resume function (suspendable)] is set to [On (true)], the message displayed when clicking a link in the "Display link to" function on the results screen will be "Finish learning. Are you sure you want to move on?" The wording has been changed to "Are you sure you want to move on?
  • Fixed a bug that caused some text ruby to appear cut off in the Firefox browser.


  • On mobile devices, when studying quizzes and tests in normal mode, the message "Smartphones are recommended to study in landscape mode" has been modified to be displayed in the center of the screen.
  • In Layout: [Examination Layout (Horizontal)], when the correct/false answer in Question Type: [Fill-in-the-blanks] was a long sentence, the choices and the question text overlapped when answering the question.


  • [The "Upload Quiz/Test" modal has been modified so that quiz data in a zip file can be uploaded even if the file extension is capitalized.
  • Fixed a problem in which xml format files could be uploaded.
