Fixed a bug that the width of the result summary table on the result display screen became too wide when learning on iPhone.
Fixed a bug where the suspend button would appear when opening a player on local storage in IE and Edge.
Changed to return an error when the number of pull-down display locations does not match the number of pull-down settings due to pull-down format issues.
For pull-down questions, shuffle the order of the choices in the pull-down even if shuffle_choices is false
Changed so that if the option "question_count" is an empty string or 0, an error is raised and a fix is suggested.
Changed the size of the iframe in the preview screen after conversion to be changeable.
Fixed a bug in Pulldown format questions where only one Pulldown exists and the correct answer has more than two letters.
Adjusted the size of the image before enlargement in Photoswipe / Fixed the width 270 to enlarge up to 600 pixels depending on the screen size
Fixed a bug that the counter stops after the first question is answered when "question" is not specified in the option "count_down_mode".
Fixed an issue with button formatting where HTML tags such as image tags would not work correctly when specified as choices.
Fixed a bug that prevented the combination problem from working in IE
No more audio playback using Flash.
Fixed CSS that caused lowercase letters to be automatically capitalized
Revised instruction text
Changed the upper limit of the number of pulldowns from 9 to 99
Changed so that pull-down questions and fill-in-the-blank questions will show an error if the number in {} is not a half-width number.
No longer scrolls when dragged on iPhone
Fixed a bug that only the first answer field is set to type=number when the correct answer is a number in multiple answer questions.
No longer scrolls when dragged on iPhone