Version 6.3.4

More new features 

The following functions have been added

Content Management > Quiz & Test Creation Form / Upload Quiz & Test
    • Added "Use the number of words as a criterion for the score" to "Scoring Method: Score points for each description" in the "Questionnaire Format: Report and Questionnaire Writing" section.
      • When [Score Criteria] is set, partial points can be given based on the number of letters in the answer. 

Functional modification/change of specifications

The following functions have been modified

Learning screen
    • Icon for partial point assignment changed from incorrect icon to partial point icon
    • Question format for long questions: Improved fill-in-the-blanks operability
Content Management > Quiz and Test Creation Form
    • Changed the wording of [Supplementary Explanation Immediately Before Choices] to [Supplementary Explanation] in the question.
    • Optional: changed so that the minimum score cannot be entered and saved as a number higher than the passing score
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