QuizGenerator5.2.5 released

Tatsuno Information Systems, Inc. released QuizGenerator 5.2.5 on November 2, 2017. The changes in this version are as follows.

Auto Play Audio
By entering the option value "autoplay:true", the inserted audio file will be played automatically when you start the question.

Fixed the display of the result screen.
When the result screen is displayed on a larger screen, the column of the question list display has been adjusted so that it expands appropriately.

Corrections in the explanation column
The text in the explanation column of each question has been adjusted so that it does not overlap when answering correctly.

Revision of questions by section
Fixed a bug that when #shuffle_questions was set to false in the section-based questions, the order of questions became unstable when the number of questions was large.

Fixed behavior in local environment
Fixed a bug where the suspend button would appear when opening a player on local storage in IE and Edge.

Fix the screen on your iPhone
Fixed a bug in which the width of the results summary table on the results display screen became too wide when learning with an iPhone.