Quiz/exam Creation Form

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  • Quiz/exam Creation Form
You can easily create questions through the web form.

Create a quiz

You can create a quiz with Quiz/exam creation form. Once your quiz is open to the public, it CANNOT be deleted. Quiz/exam creation form Contents created in QuizGenerator will be shown in"Open quiz."If you would like to download and use the data of the quiz you have created, please contact us. If you would like to download and use the quiz data you have created, please contact us,Sign up for learningBOXto download the quiz data.  
Add options
You can set a variety ofoptions.

Create a quiz

Click on "Publish"

Select a publishing method




From the question form to public release, all can be done at the touch of a button. In addition, by registering with learningBOX, you can save your quizzes on the spot, register and manage students, and even save their grades. Try the free plan first to get a feel for the service, which is free for up to 10 users and can be used indefinitely. You can try learningBOX for up to 10 students for free for an unlimited period of time. First of allClick hereto see how it works.