The latest version 2.1.0 of [learningBOX] is now available!

The latest version 2.1.0 is now available!

The main additions to the new features are as follows
 Permission function for large scale use>> Permission has been subdivided, such as only showing grades of certain teaching materials to certain people.
 Group and Member Management screen>>New design and functionality
 Survey form function>>
 SCORM teaching material import function>>
 Problem Player>>QuizGenerator 5.3.10 is open

Permission function for large scale use
It is now possible to add detailed permissions in the group member management screen.

Group and Member Management screen>>New design and functionality
メンバーの一括移動をチェックボックスで行っていただくことができます。 また変更できなかった ニックネーム/ID を管理者側で変更していただくことが出来ます。

Survey form function
フォーム形式のHTMLをインポートし、アンケートを作成することができます。 詳細については、 list of options 

SCORM material import function
SCORM教材をzipファイルにてインポートしていただくことが出来ます。 ※SCORM1.2対応です。

QuizGenerator5.3.10 released
The latest version of the quiz generator, 5.3.10, is available.

Future Development

The next release of 2.2.0 is scheduled for June 7, 2018.
New features in the next version include
 Extraction function of the list of unenrolled students
 Test limit>>The function which can specify the limit number of times
 Overall design renewal>>Material design
The Company plans to