The latest version 2.2.0 of [learningBOX] is now available!
The latest version 2.2.0 is now available!
The main additions to the new features are as follows
Overall design renewal>>New stylish material design
Member Management>>CSV Bulk Change/Update of Group Affiliation
Content Management>> Add Thumbnail Image
Grade Management>>Unattended Students List Extraction
Video Player>>1.5x playback
Problem Player>>QuizGenerator 5.3.12 is released.
Overall design renewal
The entire learningBOX has been redesigned with a stylish material design.
member management
It is now possible to change groups and update information in bulk via CSV. In addition, "Company name / Department / Position" can be added to the profile.
content management
Thumbnail images" can now be set for folders and files. Folder status display has been changed to "Completed / Learning / Unlearning".
In addition to "Passed", "Failed", "Viewed" and "Unattended", "Studying" has been added to the file status display.
Analyzing & monitoring
You can now use the "Extract List of Unlearned Students" function to manage unlearned course materials.
Video Playback Player
In addition to 0.5x, 1x, and 2x video playback speed, "1.5x" is now available.
QuizGenerator5.3.12 released
The latest version of the quiz generator, 5.3.12, is available.
Future Development
The next release of 2.3.0 is scheduled for August 7, 2018.
New features in the next version include
Results management>>Survey aggregation function
Attendance registration function>> Batch registration of attendance/absence
Email notification function>> Send email when you need it
The Company plans to
Media Coverage] Featured in the Kobe Shimbun
Notice of New Year's Holiday
What are the benefits of implementing e-learning for corporate training?
We have created a case study page on the official learningBOX website!
Let's use e-learning for new employee training.
Try e-learning for free!
E-learning learning that can be used in schools (Part 1)
Thank you for coming to Education IT Solutions (EDIX)
News Release! New function added to visualize weaknesses and issues through tagging management
LearningBOX upgraded from Ver2.6 to 2.7.