The latest version 2.3.0 of [learningBOX] is now available!
We are pleased to announce that the latest version of LearningBOX 2.3 series has been released.
The main additions to the new features are as follows
Overall>> Emoji input support
Content Management>>Survey Creation Form Function
Content Management>>Report function in QuizGenerator
Content Management>>Support image scaling
Grades>> Narrow down the display period
Email settings>>Notification function (when a report is submitted or graded, or when one time limit of learning material is completed)
Problem Player>>QuizGenerator 5.4.0 is released Others.
Overall>> Emoji input support
It is now possible to enter "pictograms" throughout the learningBOX.
Content Management>>Survey Creation Form Function
A form feature has been added to allow you to easily create surveys.
The survey formats you can create aremultiple-choice format,multiple choice (e.g. question),list selection,one-line entry,Multi-line entryThere are a total of five types of
Content Management>>Report function in QuizGenerator
You can now select the "Report / Questionnaire" format when creating a question.
The scoring system is calledThe administrator will grade it.」「Allocate scores if any keys entered.You can choose from two options.
Content Management>>Support image scaling
Image scaling is now fully supported in the question creation form.
Mail settings>>Notification function
The email notification function has been expanded.
Report submission complete.,Report grading complete.,Completion of learning one time limit materialIt is now possible to set notifications that are tied to administrators and users.
Of course, you can also set up email templates.
QuizGenerator5.4.0 released
The latest version of the quiz generator, 5.4.0, is now available.
Future Development
As for the new features in the next version, we will add them later.
Media Coverage] Featured in the Kobe Shimbun
Notice of New Year's Holiday
What are the benefits of implementing e-learning for corporate training?
We have created a case study page on the official learningBOX website!
Let's use e-learning for new employee training.
Try e-learning for free!
E-learning learning that can be used in schools (Part 1)
Thank you for coming to Education IT Solutions (EDIX)
News Release! New function added to visualize weaknesses and issues through tagging management
LearningBOX upgraded from Ver2.6 to 2.7.