• I like it! Use

I like it! Register

  • You can register a "Like" button for "Solve public problems" and for limited release problems distributed by the administrator. on "Solve Open Problems" or on limited open problems distributed by the administrator.

    You can also view questions that you have liked! You can also view the questions that you have registered with


  • I like it! Register
    1. Click on "Solve Open Problems" or "Solve Problems" in the sidebar.
    2. On the "Solve Open Problems" screen, click on the blue heart symbol to the right of the problem list frame." On the "Solve a Problem" screen, click on the blue heart at the bottom right of each problem. Or click on the white heart in the upper right corner of the screen after you have started to answer the question.

    3. "I like it! The blue heart mark will change to a red heart mark as soon as the message "You have registered to


I like it! View issues registered with

    1. Click on "Like! on the sidebar.
    2. I like it! will be displayed in the list of registered issues.


I like it! Delete

    1. Click on the heart symbol shown in red.
    2. "Like! has been deleted" will be displayed, and at the same time the red heart symbol will change to a blue heart symbol.