Use with Smartphones and Tablets

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  • Use with Smartphones and Tablets
For use with iPhone and iPad
弊社のeラーニング【learningBOX】では、iPhoneなどのスマートフォンや、iPadなどのタブレット端末でも問題なく学習していただけます。 *本サービスはAdobe Flashを使っておりません。 画像のようにクイズの解答は問題なく行うことが出来ます。
When you see a page with an embedded quiz created with QuizGenerator on your iPhone

When you see a page with an embedded quiz created with QuizGenerator on your iPhone

When you see a page with an embedded quiz created with QuizGenerator on your iPad

When you see a page with an embedded quiz created with QuizGenerator on your iPad

  You can also use learningBOX to answer the quiz without any problem as shown in the image.
LearningBOX screen

LearningBOX screen

Due to system limitations, the quiz can only be uploaded from a computer. Please understand.