What is LMS?
What is LMS?
LMS(Learning Management System)Learning Management SystemA system that delivers learning materials and manages grades via the Internet. Teaching materials are placed on a server, and learners study using computers, tablets, smartphones, and other devices. Learning status and grades are centrally managed on the server. In many cases, both the teaching materials and the LMS are developed according to the SCORM specification.SCORMYou can also load materials from different companies as long as they are compliant with
In the past (until about 2010), servers were built for each company and installed on-premise (on-premise) at the company or campus, but today (2021), more and more LMS are being offered as SaaS, with servers built on public cloud computing. In the case of our learningBOX, if a dedicated server is selected, we build and provide a dedicated server for each customer on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
Functions of LMS
By using an LMS, you can achieve the following
- Distribute materials efficiently
- Record learning status and output reports
1. distribute teaching materials efficiently
Consider using CDs, DVDs, or USB flash drives to distribute educational materials. If the content is a few hours of video or a school textbook with predetermined content, you may have no problem distributing it in this way. However, if the video is several hundred hours long, it will be too large to distribute, and if it is a maintenance manual that is added every time a new product is released, you will have to distribute it frequently. Using an LMS allows us to use only the parts of the vast content that we need, and to add or change materials immediately. The LMS also saves the cost of producing CDs and DVDs, printing and mailing.
- If your content is huge
It is difficult to distribute hundreds of hours of video or all the manuals for all the products of a large company in advance; by using an LMS, the necessary parts can be retrieved via the Internet when needed. - When a change in content occurs
In a learning environment using an LMS, learning materials are centrally managed on a server, so content can be added or edited at any time. - Securely distribute your content
Using an LMS, you can reduce the risk of content leaks by allowing access only from a specific network and by not leaving course materials on the device.
2. record learning status and output report
With e-learning using an LMS, the learning status is managed on a server, so the learning status can be checked in real time. learningBOXYou can check who answered which questions and how they answered them on the administration screen and download them as CSV. By centrally managing the learning information, you can take appropriate action for those who are behind in learning, and continuously improve the quality of the questions by analyzing the correct and incorrect information.
- Identify learners who are not making progress
Send messages on the system, call, e-mail, or talk to them directly to encourage progress and understand the reasons for the lack of progress. - Discover the problems that most people get wrong
Check for inappropriate questions and make sure that the teaching methods were appropriate. - The percentage of correct answers indicates the difficulty level of the question and the proficiency of the student.
Check the percentage of correct answers for each question to see if a question is too easy or too hard. Check the percentage of correct answers for each learner to see if any students are being left behind. - Pay attention to the questions that people with a high percentage of correct answers get wrong.
Questions that are often wrong for those who answer correctly may be inappropriate for the questions themselves; using an LMS to provide testing and learning can also help assess the validity of the questions. - Keep learning records for external authentication and other purposes
In order to obtain and maintain certifications such as the Privacy Mark and ISMS, it is necessary to provide appropriate training to employees and record the results. Paper-based tests can be used to assess learning outcomes, but in order to administer tests to a large number of employees and keep records of the results, testing using an LMS is more suitable. - For teaching in cram schools and prep schools
Some LMSs can display the learning status of each student and the results of tests conducted on the LMS as a "chart". By conducting interviews and career guidance while looking at each student's chart, it is possible to efficiently provide the most appropriate guidance for that student. This kind of function is called an ePortfolio. learningBOXHowever, we will gradually implement the "medical record" function. - in-house testtwo
When there is a mix of different types of workers in a company, one of the points that each company needs to focus on is human resource development. In order for workers with diverse employment statuses to work together to increase sales and develop the company, it is essential to provide training that is in line with the characteristics of the workers and allow them to improve their skills. In order to support such companies, the "Career Development Promotion Subsidy" was launched in April 2016. e-learning system enables the certification of in-house certification to be carried out efficiently and fairly.
About Teaching Materials
An LMS is a learning management system, but it is useless if it does not have learning materials (to let students learn). There are two types of LMS: one that uses materials provided by the operator, and one that is arranged or created by the user company or school.
Type provided by the operator
There are LMSs that contain teaching materials for junior high and high school students, LMSs that contain business teaching materials, and so on. These services can be said to provide learning content rather than providing an LMS.
Type prepared by the company or school using it
learningBOX is this type of LMS. in some cases, learningBOX is equipped with contents and provided as a set with contents, but learningBOX alone does not come with teaching materials.
Features of learningBOX
Easy and ready to use
learningBOXThe e-learning system is easy to use and affordable, and is available for as little as ¥33,000 per year (tax included) for 100 accounts. The system supports the creation of an online learning environment with detailed functions to accommodate a variety of learning needs, such as in-house training, certification exams, and correspondence courses.
I can create my own teaching materials / I can distribute existing materials
The learningBOX makes it easy to create quiz and exam style questions. You can also easily use existing materials such as PDFs and videos as teaching materials.Here are the teaching materials available in the learningBOX