Link in commentary

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  • Link in commentary

How to put a link in the commentary

An explanation (feedback) can be displayed in response to the learner's answers. This is a method of creating a quiz in which a URL is pasted in the explanation, and if clicked, the page will be displayed on a separate screen.  

Sample quiz

Add the URL you want to display to , <a href="/en/   と   /"target="_blank">&nbsp;list of options</a> The description should be written between When created in this way, the URL is not displayed in the explanatory text, but you can jump to the specified URL by clicking on the word "here".  
  • Reference text file
1) The person who discovered X-rays was Einstein. true-false:. false|Roentgen<br>For more information. list of options 2)Which of the following is not included in Shikoku? o:Aichi Prefecture|Shikoku<br>➡"Kochi, Kagawa, Tokushima and Ehime Prefectures"<br>For more information. list of options o:Hiroshima Prefecture o:Okayama Prefecture x:Kagawa Prefecture x:Kochi Prefecture