QuizGenerator is an e-learning system that supports mathematical formulas and special symbols.


QuizGenerator is an e-learning system that supports mathematical formulas and special symbols.

Hello, I'm Kobashi from development🌵Our e-learning system is flexible to mathematical formulas, which are used in math problems. In this article, I will explain how to use mathematical formulas, equations, and special symbols.How to use "TeX" to create a beautiful notation without losing its appearance.をご紹介いたします。 みなさんはHave you ever had a problem creating a math problem on the web?When creating a math problem, the most annoying part isEntering formulasI know, right? I have experienced a great deal of trouble finding how to input roots and fractions when I input mathematical expressions (>_<) There are many complicated formulas such as logarithms (log) and sigma (sigma) as well as fractions and roots. Please refer to this paper and try to notate beautiful formulas.


  • 1. what is TeX?
  • 2. click here for a convenient automatic conversion tool
  • 3. I made a math problem for the 2020 Center Test.
  • 4. summary

What is "TeX" anyway?

E-learning - MathematicsIt is an electronic typesetting system developed by Donald E. Knuth. The pronunciation of "TeX" is difficult for Japanese people."Teff.と呼ばれているようです。 数字や文字を、字間や行間・大きさなど細かいレイアウトを調整して美しく配置します。数式を表示する機能としても優れており、一見難しそうな数式や数学用の特殊文字でも、なめらかな線で美しく出力させることができます。数式に限らず色々な表記ができますが、ここでは「数式」に焦点を当ててご紹介していきます。  

Click here for a useful automatic conversion tool.

It is recommended to type TeX notation as it is, because it is quicker.
HostMathE-Learning - Formulas
HostMathallows you to preview the converted formula in real time every time you change a part of the prepared TeX notation. You can easily paste and combine multiple formulas and it is very easy to use. Unfortunately, the number of available formulas is limited, so you may not find the formula you need.  

Our Tex confirmation tool is here

Tex Verification Tool for QuizGeneratorE-learning - Formulas
OurTex Verification Tool for QuizGeneratorWith nearly 400 formulas and symbols to choose from, you're sure to find the formula or special symbol you're looking for.  

Here's how to set it up if you use our Tex confirmation tool

As a promise, all TeX notations are \ (backslash)Start withSuperscript is ^, subscript is _ (underscore)in front of the number. Example: If you want to write a fraction fractionwhat? \frac{numerator}{denominator} The following notation is used ⇒. is\frac{2}{3}The result is the following.

Notes Please note that when you use the learningBOX and QuizGenerator forms to create a question (as I am about to show you in the example), make sure that you use TeX notation before and after the[# #]Don't forget to enclose it with If you forget, the TeX notation will not be converted and will be displayed as it is (>_<).


I created a math problem for the 2020 Center Test.

QuizGenerator・learningBOXはTeXに対応しています。 例題として、今年度のセンター入試試験の数学問題から抜粋して、learningBOXで作成してみました。 [Math II, Math B, Question 4] At first glance, the formula input seemed difficult, but I was able to create it rather smoothly! If you get used to it, you'll be able to create it quickly. The input contents are as follows. The blue part is TeX notation.

There are two points A(3, 3, -6) and B(2+2) in the coordinate space whose origin is the point O.[#\sqrt{3}#], 2-2[#\sqrt{3}#], -4) is taken. Let a be the plane defined by the three points O, A and B. Also, the point C contained in a is

[#\overrightarrow{ OA }\perp \overrightarrow{ OC }, \hspace{1.0em}\overrightarrow{ OB }\cdot \overrightarrow{ OC }= 24#] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・① Suppose that we satisfy (1) [#| \overrightarrow{ OA } |= \fbox{a}\sqrt{\fbox{i}}#] and [#| \overrightarrow{ OB } |= \fbox{u}\sqrt{\fbox{e}}#] and [#\overrightarrow{ OA }\cdot \overrightarrow{ OB } = \fbox{Oca}#] is.
Of course, I didn't study TeX notation and type it in; I just copied the one generated by HostMath with [##] around it and pasted it into the question form.   This kind of formula is also easy to input. ちなみにTeX表記で色付けや文字サイズ等の文字のスタイルも指定することもできます。 サイズを調整したい場合は小さいものから順番に、 \tiny,\small,\normal,\large,\huge で調整できます。 例えば、下記のように適用箇所の直前に追加するだけです。サイズを指定しないときは\normalと同じサイズになります。 また、色を調整したい箇所は{}で囲んであげましょう。 下記はサイズと色を調整した例です。 \blur1}small\color{red} {\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}} \large\color{green} {\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}} \fnDroid Sans Fallback\color{blue} {\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}}

With ▼QuizGenerator, you can create quizzes with beautiful looking formulas! Math Quiz

The math quiz is list of optionsIt can be solved from  


今回はTeXをざっくりご紹介致しました。最近、手書きや画像から変換してくれるツールもあったりします。しかし、入力専用のペンを持っていない場合はマウスで手をプルプルさせながら書くのはまどろっこしい。。画像をいちいち用意するのも面倒だ。。という方も中にはいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか?そういうときはTeX表記をそのまま打ち込む方が手っ取り早くておススメです。 今後はどんな数式でも怯まずにTeXを使ってQuizGenerator・learningBOXで問題作成できそうですよね? \sin などの三角関数や、\log など対数関数も用意されているので、基本的なTeX表記なら特に何も参照しなくても直観的に書けますし、複雑な表記でも自動生成ツールを活用すればTeX表記を覚える必要がないので、学習コストはかかりません。ぜひTeXと仲良くなって美しい数式を表記してみてくださいね♪