Let's make SCORM teaching materials.

SCORM, Admin Blog

In this article, I'll show you how to make SCORM materials and put them on learningBOX. Originally, SCORM needs a file called imsmanifext.xml which defines the structure of the material, but learningBOX can register the material without imsmanifest.xml. For the sake of simplicity, we will skip the explanation of imsmanifest.xml.

What is SCORM?

For an overview of SCORM, seeWhat is SCORM?for more information.

About the version

The version of SCORM is assumed to be 1.2.

prerequisite knowledge

・JavaScript(ECMAScript)の言語仕様をある程度理解し、平易なプログラムであれば読み解く力があること。 ・HTMLの基本を理解していること。

Let's implement the API as soon as possible.

First, create a text file named index.html and transcribe the following source code. Attention ・ファイル名がindex.html.txtなどとならないようにしてください。(ヒント:拡張子を表示する) ・文字コードはUTF-8としたほうが良いような気もしますが、アスキー文字しか含まれていないので、文字コードはどうでもよいです。ただし、ちゃんとしたコンテンツを作る場合は、ちゃんと文字コード指定をしてください。 ・空白文字には決して全角スペースを入れないでください。半角スペースでインデントしても、タブでインデントしても構いませんが、全角スペースはだめ!ぜったい!

Let's create an archive.

Please compress index.html to create a ZIP file. Attention ・Windowsの場合は右クリックで普通にやれば大丈夫です ・Macの場合は、Windowsと互換性のあるZIPを作るよう配慮ください ・Linuxの場合は自力でできるでしょう。

Register in the system

Upload the created ZIP file as a SCORM teaching material.


I was able to create a material that just opens and scores 99 and status is pass. Congratulations!

developmental task

  • (Easy)It's too good to get 99 points; please make teaching materials that get 100 points.
  • (Easy) Make the material to be rejected.
  • (Standard) Please make teaching materials that record browsing time.
  • (Standard) Create teaching materials that measure how many clicks a person can make in 5 seconds and send it as a score.
  • (Difficulty)Make Tetris so that your score is recorded.

    Tips for developmental issues

  • Please check the SCORM specification for the format of the browsing time.
  • Scores can only be accepted as strings of integers.
  • Normally, scores are limited to integers 0-100, but learningBOX accepts up to 2^31-1.