About the version of learningBOX

Admin Blog

This article describes the version of learningBOX. How to check the version Since its release, learningBOX has been updated 133 times; as of November 14, 2018, the version is 2.5.2, which can be found in the footer of the service screen. The version number is represented by three numbers, where the first number represents a major feature addition, the second number represents a feature addition, and the third number represents a bug fix. About Shared Environment and Dedicated Server Versions When a new version of learningBOX is completed, it is first released to the shared environment. Updates to the dedicated server will then be made as requested by the customer. At this time, the version for the shared environment is 2.5.2, but the dedicated server environment may be using 2.5.1 or 2.4.3. With a dedicated server, you can adjust the maintenance time and the timing of version upgrades so that they do not interfere with your operations, so a dedicated server is recommended if you are selling educational materials or running a cram school.
About version control in development teams The learningBOX uses Git to keep track of versions. (We used to use Subversion for early development, but switched to Git to cope with the large size of the project and the high frequency of releases. branch. Defects fixed at this point are reflected in develop, and then in the 2.5, 2.4, and 2.3 branches as necessary. By updating past release branches, we are able to provide a stable system for dedicated server environments.