How QuizGenerator(beta) is used

Admin Blog

It has been more than half a year since the release of learningBOX, and it is mainly used for the following purposes.

As a preparation for qualification

国家試験対策(司法試験、情報処理技術者、宅建、介護士など)、LPICなどの民間試験対策として利用される例が多いようです。 企業の社内教育として利用されている場合、大学で学生の視覚対策として利用されている場合、企業が社外に教育サービスを提供されている場合があるようです。

As a preparation for high school and university entrance examinations

There are many examples of cram schools and schools using this system to provide teaching materials for the five basic subjects.

As in-house training

There are many examples of e-learning being used to enforce internal rules and to certify internal certification. There are many cases where e-learning is used for in-house training to acquire and maintain the Privacy Mark and ISMS.

As a quiz.

In some cases, the quizzes are not used for learning, but simply for fun. In most cases, these users are using the free plan for this purpose.