How to use moodle (user registration)

moodle, Admin Blog


user registration

The first step is to register a user. If you want to create your own questions and answer them yourself, you don't need to use moodle.
Click on "Site Management" on the left side of the screen.

Next, switch to the Users tab and click "Add new user" in the Account field.

Fill in the required fields and click Create User.

The red star is a required field, but you will also need to enter your "username" to log in. Don't forget to enter your username as well.
If you have not checked the "Generate password for user" notification, you will need to set your own password.

If there are no problems, the new user will be registered as shown in the image below.

Belong to the course

Add the user you just registered to the course. This allows you to limit the problem to the user.

Click the participant on the left of the screen of the course you want to belong to.

Click the gear icon on the right side of the screen, and then click "Registered Users".

Click on "User Registration".

Users who can be registered will be displayed. Click the "Register" button to the right of the user you want to register, and finally click the "End User Registration" button at the bottom right.

You can now add users to your course.

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