Why you can start using QuizGenerator(beta) for free?

Admin Blog

We can provide e-learning for free!But as I wrote... learningBOXis free of charge for up to 10 users. Also, when you start usingNo need to contact us.

Because I want people to actually use it.

No matter how carefully you make the manual or how carefully you explain the product, seeing is believing. The best way to get people to know our products is to have them actually use them. A dedicated server is prepared for each company, and a technician sets up one server at a time. In those days, it was unrealistic to let people start using the service for free or without any inquiry.

This is the age of the cloud.

The learningBOX is designed to be extremely lightweight and highly scalable using cloud technology. As a result, we were able to keep the cost of creating a new environment extremely low.

Therefore, we designed the plan to allow 10 users or less to use learningBOX for free indefinitely.

To as many people as possible.Register an accountIf you have any questions or comments, please let us know so that we can improve the learningBOX service.

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