Double translation service using Google Translate

Admin Blog

Have you ever heard of Google Translate? Google Translate is a translation service provided by Google.

Until recently, automatic translation by computer was not considered to be at a practical level, but an update around November 2016 has greatly improved the accuracy of Google Translate.

Reference : I compared the translation of the same article in English and Portuguese using Google Translate, which is rumored to have improved accuracy.

If the accuracy of machine translation has improved, I thought I could make use of it to study English composition, so I created a service that translates the following.

  • Enter English text
  • Translates the inputted text to Japanese and back to English.
  • Translates the inputted text to Chinese and then back to English.
  • Translates the inputted text to German and back to English.

By translating back into English through another language, errors in grammar and expression may be corrected. Also, by looking at the result of the translation into Japanese, you can check that you have written English with the intended meaning.

Service is here →English Editing

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