How to achieve supernatural text-to-speech on the cheap

Admin Blog

Amazon Pollycan be used for inexpensive text-to-speech.


English reading is also natural, so it can be used for English listening tests.

"You can make English listening quizzes at a low cost."


It would be a shame to have a Japanese person read it.

"You can make English listening quizzes at a low cost."


usage fee

For the first 12 months, up to 5 million characters per month are free of charge. After that (after 12 months and after converting more than 5 million characters), there is a fee of US$4 per million characters (just under ¥500).


A more detailed explanation of its use will be written later.

About SSML

Using SSML, you can "change reading speed", "adjust pitch", "adjust volume", "insert pauses", and "specify pronunciation".
The following article summarizes SSML in an easy-to-understand manner.

Amazon Polly Edition - Adjusting Speech with SSML

Free text-to-speech service is now available!

We've released a service that lets you use Amazon polly's text-to-speech for free and without registration.

Free Text-to-Speech Service

For the time being, there is no plan to charge for this service, so please feel free to use it. Even if there is a charge, the price is expected to be set at an extremely low level.

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