Quiz Sample

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Here's a sample quiz!

This is a sample quiz. You can also download the quiz data from the source and the quiz player after conversion.
Questions: "Fill-in-the-Blank", "Sorting", "Matching", "Home Economics", "LPIC", "Prefectures", "Flags", "World Agriculture", "Element Symbols", "Chemical Structures", "Descriptive (multiple answers in random order)".


  This question is to fill in the blank in the sentence with words.




  This question requires you to answer the correspondence.

Building Construction, Persons with Limited Capacity to Act, Declaration of Intention

  This is a question in the field of persons with limited capacity to act and declaration of intention of home construction. It consists mainly of correct and incorrect questions.

LPIC Level2 201 exam Linux kernel

Sample Quiz

  Choice of questions Button style - can be moved back and forth

National Flag Quiz


World Agriculture Quiz

  Multiple Choice - 4 questions

chemical symbol (i.e. H for hydrogen, O for oxygen, etc.)

  Short answer

Math Quiz

  You can also create questions that use mathematical formulas.

Chemical Structural Formula Quiz

  You can also create questions using chemical structural formulas.

Short Answer (Multiple Answers, in no particular order) Quiz

  This is a quiz that allows students to answer multiple answers in random order in a written quiz format.
The answer is correct if all the necessary keywords are included.