Multiple short answers

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Multiple short answers

Multiple-write questions are those that the learner answers by keystrokes.
Multiple answer fields (up to 20) can be specified for a single question.

Sample quiz

How to create multiple description questions

You can create from three types of forms: text/table format/creation form.

  • text
  • Excel
  • Create Form

The first line, starting with #, is the setting for the entire quiz.
Question data is entered with blank line separators.
The first line of each block is the question text, the second line is fixed to "fill-in-multi:", and the third and subsequent lines are examples of correct answers.
You can also set multiple correct answers in one entry field by entering "::" after the correct answer.

#messages_intro:Multiple description problem

1). Nagoya City (A) and Otsu City (B) are the prefectural capitals of which prefecture? Answer the name of the prefecture.
(A). Aichi Prefecture::Aichi::Aichi
(B). Shiga Prefecture::Shiga::Shiga

2) Answer the name of the country.<br>Question 1. Berlin<br>Problem 2. Buenos Aires
Question 1. Germany
Question 2. Argentina

3) Which are the top two countries in terms of population: 1st (A), 2nd (B)?
(A). China::People's Republic of China
(B). India.

4) Which prefecture in Japan has the largest area (A) and which prefecture has the smallest area (B)?
(A). Hokkaido
(B). Kagawa Prefecture::Kagawa

5) Name the longest river in the world (A) and the river with the largest basin area (B).
(A). Nile River::Nile
(B). Amazon River::Amazon

The first line, beginning with #, is the setting for the entire problem.
The first line, #format:table, declares that the question data is to be written in tabular form.
After the third line, each line corresponds to a question.
The question definition is tab-separated, with the first element being the question text, the second element being a fixed "fill-in:", and the third and subsequent elements being examples of correct answers.
You can also set multiple correct answers in one entry field by entering "::" after the correct answer.
Click here to see samplesDownload.


1 A b C d
2 #format:table
3 #messages_intro:Multiple description problem
4 #shuffle_questions:true
5 #mode:master
6 #lang:en
7 1). Nagoya City (A) and Otsu City (B) are the prefectural capitals of which prefecture? Answer the name of the prefecture. fill-in-multi: (A). Aichi Prefecture::Aichi::Aichi (B). Shiga Prefecture::Shiga::Shiga
8 2) Answer the name of the country.<br>Question 1. Berlin<br>Problem 2. Buenos Aires fill-in-multi: Question 1. Germany Question 2. Argentina
9 3) Which are the top two countries in terms of population: 1st (A), 2nd (B)? fill-in-multi: (A). China::People's Republic of China (B). India.
10 4) Which prefecture in Japan has the largest area (A) and which prefecture has the smallest area (B)? fill-in-multi: (A). Hokkaido (B). Kagawa Prefecture::Kagawa
11 5) Name the longest river in the world (A) and the river with the largest basin area (B). fill-in-multi: (A). Nile River::Nile (B). Amazon River::Amazon