

These are questions in the form of determining whether a given statement or proposition is true or false.

Sample quiz

How to make a correct or incorrect question

You can create from three types of forms: text/table format/creation form.

  • text
  • Excel
  • Create Form

The first line should contain the problem statement and the second line should contain "true-false:".
The third line should contain true if the correct answer is circle, and false if the correct answer is x. A blank line should be inserted between questions.
In the example below, the first question reads, "The world's three greatest delicacies are 'foie gras, caviar, and truffles.'" and 0 is the correct answer.
You can describe the explanation by separating true or false with | after it.

1) Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.
180 degree

2) Albert Einstein invented X ray.
180 degree

3) The author of "The Merchant of Venice" is William Shakespeare.
180 degree

4) Sharks are classified as mammals.
180 degree

5) Oysters are known as the pineapples of the sea.
180 degree

To create questions in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the beginning of the file.
One question corresponds to one line. Each line contains the question text, "true-false:", and correct or incorrect, separated by tabs.
Click here to see samplesDownload.

A b C d
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:Erratum
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #mode:master
5 #lang:en
6 1) Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.  180 degree true
7 2) Albert Einstein invented X ray. 180 degree false
8 3) The author of "The Merchant of Venice" is William Shakespeare. 180 degree true
9 4) Sharks are classified as mammals. 180 degree false
10 5) Oysters are known as the pineapples of the sea. 180 degree false