A multiple-choice question is a question in which you choose one correct answer from several options.

sample problem

How to make a choice question

You can create from three types of forms: text/table format/creation form.

  • text
  • Excel
  • Create Form

One line per problem statement, correct or incorrect answer, etc.
Insert a blank line between questions.


In the following example, the first question reads, "Choose the prefectural capital of Hokkaido."
The correct choice is "Sapporo City" and the wrong choices are "Hakodate City", "Obihiro City", and "Tomakomai City".

#messages_intro:Click on the Start button to start!
Choose the capital city of Japan.

Choose the capital city of Mexico.
Carbon dioxide
State of Mexico

Choose the capital city of Italy.

  • The first line (#messages_intro:) is the message displayed before the quiz begins.
  • The second and subsequent lines are the problem definition. The problem definition is divided into several blocks separated by blank lines.
  • In each block, the first line should be the question text and the second line should be the "question format".
  • The third line describes the correct answer choice and the fourth and subsequent lines describe the incorrect choices.

Commentary settings in a text format

Explanations can be displayed according to the learner's answers. Explanations can be specified in the following three ways
Uniform explanation: The same message is displayed regardless of correct or incorrect answers.
Explanations for correct and incorrect answers: Different messages are displayed for correct and incorrect answers.
Explanation for each choice: A different message is displayed for each choice.

Sample quiz

If you write a sentence at the end of the first choice separated by "|", it will be shown as an commentary after answering.

#messages_intro:Click on the Start button to start!
Choose the capital city of Japan.
Tokyo|Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.

Sample quiz

If you write sentences separated by "|" at the end of the first and second choice, the first sentence will be displayed as a commentary when you answer correctly, and the second one will be displayed when choosing an incorrect answer.

#messages_intro:Click on the Start button to start!
Choose the capital city of Japan.
Osaka|Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.

Sample quiz

If you write a sentence at the end of every choice, separated by "|", a different commentary will be shown for each choice.

#messages_intro:Click on the Start button to start!
Choose the capital city of Japan.
Osaka|Osaka is the second largest city in Japan.
Kobe|Kobe has one of the biggest ports in Japan.
Kyoto|Kyoto is famous for traditional Japanese culture.

To create questions in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the beginning of the file. 1 question corresponds to 1 line. Each row contains a tab-delimited list of questions, correct answers and wrong answers.
In the first question of the following example, the question text is "What is the provincial capital of Hokkaido? The correct answer is "Sapporo City", and the incorrect answers are "Hakodate City", "Obihiro City" and "Tomakomai City".
Click here to see samples

A b C d e f
1 #format:table
2 #title:Specify Language
3 #messages_intro:Click on the Start button to start!
4 What is the provincial capital of Hokkaido? true-false: Tokyo Osaka Kobe Kyoto
5 What is the capital of Aomori Prefecture? true-false: Carbon dioxide Nitrogen State of Mexico Guanajuato
6 What is the prefectural capital of Iwate Prefecture? true-false: Rome Milan Naples Turin
7 What is the prefectural capital of Miyagi Prefecture? true-false: Canberra Sydney Rome Brisbane
8 What is the capital of Akita Prefecture? true-false: Bangkok Nonthaburi Songkhla Chonburi
9 What is the capital of Yamagata Prefecture? true-false: Ankara Istanbul  Adana Bursa


Description settings

You can specify explanations in a table format in the same way as in a text format. In the following example, the explanation is displayed for each choice.

A b C d e f
1 #format:table
2 #title:Specify Language
3 What is the provincial capital of Hokkaido? true-false: Tokyo|Correct! Osaka|Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. Kobe|Kobe has one of the biggest ports in Japan.  Kyoto|Kyoto is famous for traditional Japanese culture.