Quiz by sections

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Quiz by sections

The questions can be divided into several sections (groups) and a specified number of questions are given in each section. By grouping questions by difficulty level or by unit, you can avoid unevenness in the content of the questions.

With the default settings, the order of the questions is the same as the order described in the text file.
When random is selected, questions will be randomized regardless of the order of the sections.

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*There is no limit to the number of sections.
*Please use normal mode. In master mode, an error message will be displayed and registration will not be possible.

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  • First, enter $$$$$xx in the header part (under the option value, if any). Enter the number of questions in xx.
  • To name a section, write $$$$xx followed by a colon and the section name.
  • Break a line and add some questions for the first section (as many or more than the specified number above).
  • Break a line from the last line of the first section, and add $$$$$xx.
  • Break a line again to add questions for the second section (as many or more than the specified number above).

#messages_intro: section issue.

$$$$$1: Geography

Answer the underlined reading.<br><span style="”border-bottom:double" 3px #ff0000;”>the West</span>I'm looking forward to my trip to
o:Kobe|Seoul➡South Korea
See more

Corporation.<span style="”border-bottom:double" 3px #ff0000;”>seventeenth of the sexagenary cycle</span>Do. Choose the correct kanji.
➡Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, North America, South America, Europe
See more
o:North America
x:North Pole

$$$$2:selected one question from History
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.
true|Sound recording and motion pictures are also his innovation.
See more

Albert Einstein invented X ray.

Choose and apply the correct Kanji characters so that the meaning makes sense.<br><font size="”20″">The whole family gathers around the food {1}.</font>
clearing (the way)

$$$$$2: [Two problems from English, submitted].

Which is the correct translation? "tomorrow
every day

Correct the combination.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.
I have::have
Live in::live

I like Japanese food. Correct the sentence in English.<br>➡{1}{2}{3}{4}
I|I like Japanese food

Listen to the English sentence and choose the correct English sentence.<br>&nbsp;<<We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday&gt;&gt;
We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday
We enjoy play soccer every Saturday
We enjoy playing soccer every Sunday

Read the English text and choose the most appropriate one to put in ( ).<br>A:I don't think I can play soccer with you after school.<br>B: ( ) You love soccer.<br>A:Well,my mother has been sick since last week
What's wrong?|A: I don't think I can play soccer with you after school.<br>B: What's wrong? You love soccer, don't you?<br>A: My mom has been sick for the last week.
How long is it?
When did you go?
Who was it?

$$$$$1: [One problem from the Liberal Arts, submitted].

Replace the following hiragana and answer the name of the prefecture you can.
Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.

Sort by prefecture with the largest area from the top.
Choose the capital city of Japan.
Choose the capital city of Italy.
Hiroshima prefecture (Chuugoku area)
Saitama prefecture (Kantou area)

The three prefectures that consist of three Chinese characters are 'Kanagawa, Wakayama, and Hokkaido.
180 degree
false|Hokkaido, Kanagawa Prefecture, Wakayama, and Kagoshima.

Which prefectures have "animal's name" in the name? Please fill it in by the Chinese character.
Gunma prefecture (Kantou area)

A b C d e
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro: section issue.
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #shuffle_choices:true
5 #mode:normal
6 #lang:en
7 $$$$$1: Geography
8 Answer the underlined reading.<br><span style="”border-bottom:double" 3px #ff0000;”>the West</span>I'm looking forward to my trip to true-false: o:Kobe|Seoul➡South Korea
See more
9 Corporation.<span style="”border-bottom:double" 3px #ff0000;”>seventeenth of the sexagenary cycle</span>Do. Choose the correct kanji. true-false: o:Africa|Continent
➡Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, North America, South America, Europe
See more
o:North America
x:North Pole x:EU
10 $$$$2:selected one question from History Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. true-false: true|Sound recording and motion pictures are also his innovation.
See more
11 Albert Einstein invented X ray. true-false: [[images/20190522-1.jpg]] [[images/20190522-2.jpg]] [[images/20190522-3.jpg]]
12 Choose and apply the correct Kanji characters so that the meaning makes sense.<br><font size="”20″">The whole family gathers around the food {1}.</font> wordbank: desk house clearing (the way)
13 $$$$$2: [Two problems from English, submitted].
14 Which is the correct translation? "tomorrow true-false: tomorrow every day yesterday
15 Correct the combination. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. Study::study I have::have Live in::live
16 I like Japanese food. Correct the sentence in English.<br>➡{1}{2}{3}{4} wordbank: I|I like Japanese food like Japanese food
17 Listen to the English sentence and choose the correct English sentence.<br>&nbsp;<<We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday&gt;&gt; true-false: We enjoy playing soccer every Saturday We enjoy play soccer every Saturday We enjoy playing soccer every Sunday
18 Read the English text and choose the most appropriate one to put in ( ).<br>A:I don't think I can play soccer with you after school.<br>B: ( ) You love soccer.<br>A:Well,my mother has been sick since last week true-false: What's wrong?|A: I don't think I can play soccer with you after school.<br>B: What's wrong? You love soccer, don't you?<br>A: My mom has been sick for the last week. How long is it? When did you go? Who was it?
19 $$$$$1: [One problem from the Liberal Arts, submitted].
20 Replace the following hiragana and answer the name of the prefecture you can. Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation. Makufushi::Fukushima Kawamaya::Wakayama Samatai::Saitama Marohishi::Hiroshima
21 Sort by prefecture with the largest area from the top. sa: Choose the capital city of Japan. Choose the capital city of Italy. Hiroshima prefecture (Chuugoku area) Saitama prefecture (Kantou area)
22 The three prefectures that consist of three Chinese characters are 'Kanagawa, Wakayama, and Hokkaido. 180 degree false|Hokkaido, Kanagawa Prefecture, Wakayama, and Kagoshima.
23 Which prefectures have "animal's name" in the name? Please fill it in by the Chinese character. sa: Gunma prefecture (Kantou area) Gunma