Create a quiz in Excel

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  • Create a quiz in Excel

Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheet are available.
This page explains how to create a quiz using Excel.

1. Create a problem

Problems can be created from a spreadsheet.
The template can be downloaded from

Japanese: format English: format

2. the procedures and rules for creating questions

Add#format:tableEnter the
*If this description is not included, the system will not operate properly.

Next, enter the question text in column A, the symbols to determine the question type in column B, the correct answer in column C, and the wrong answer in columns D and beyond.

If you start a new line, it will be recognized as the next quiz.

When all questions are completed, save the file.

3. generate quizzes using the conversion tool

Select the created question data and click the "Convert" button to generate the quiz player.
For more information on the process of conversion, see "Conversion ToolPlease refer to the page "3.
You can check the contents of the quiz you have created by clicking on the menu button below.
Preview → Displays the conversion result.
Download → Download the conversion results.
Limited publication → publish only to those who know the URL.
General Release → Open to the public on the QuizGenerator website.
*Copy and paste the tag (IFrame) for embedding the quiz for limited public use, and you can put the quiz you created on your blog or website.


When entering English characters, the first letter is capitalized.
Move the mouse cursor over the cell that will be capitalized and right-click>Format Cells.

Next, select a string from the classification (C) and click the OK button.