Setting the passing score / setting the score for each question / switching the time limit

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  • Setting the passing score / setting the score for each question / switching the time limit
By describing the option values, you can set the passing score, set the score for each question, change the type of time limit, and many other customizations.

How to set the option value

Put the following at the beginning of the question text (quiz.txt) in the format "# attribute name:value".
#passing_score:____(← Enter the passing score) #score_weighting:true/false(←Select whether to set a score for each question) #partial_score:true/false(←Select whether to set partial points for a specific question type.) #time_limit_mode:____(←Select whether to set the time limit for each question or for the whole question)
item name default value Description.
passing_score 80 問題の合格点です。 マスターモードの時は合格率(%)、ノーマルモードの時は合格点(点)となります。
score_weighting false 配点機能です。 trueの時、問題種別の後ろに:数字で配点を指定できます。(例 sort:20) falseの時、100点を問題数で割った数字が点数になります。
partial_score false 部分点機能です。 trueの時、穴埋め、複数記述、組み合わせ、プルダウンの問題で、部分点を計算するようになります。部分点は、割り振られている配点を選択欄の数で割った数字が部分点となります。
time_limit_mode total time_limit must also be set. questiontime_limit can be changed to a time limit for each question. Each question will be given a time limit of the number of seconds set in time_limit.
  • text
  • Excel


#passing_score:50 #score_weighting:true #partial_score:true #time_limit_mode:question #time_limit:30 最も面積が広い都道府県を(A)に、最も面積が狭い都道府県を(B)に、正式名称で記載せよ。 fill-in-multi:40 (A).北海道 (B).香川県 金閣寺は{1}時代に3代将軍の{2}により建てられた。 wordbank:30 室町 足利義満 鎌倉 足利義政 次の国名と首都を正しく組み合わせなさい match:20 カザフスタン::アスタナ パラグアイ::アスンシオン エチオピア::アディスアベバ ガーナ::アクラ He {1} a student, but he {2} working now. pulldown:10 was::is::am is::was::am



To create a question in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the beginning of the file, with the optional values on the second and subsequent lines, one by one.
A b C d e f
1 #format:table
2 #passing_score:50
3 #score_weighting:true
4 #partial_score:true
5 #time_limit_mode:question
6 #time_limit:30
7 List the prefecture with the largest area in (A) and the prefecture with the smallest area in (B), using official names.  fill-in-multi:40 (A). Hokkaido (B). Kagawa Prefecture
8 The Kinkakuji Temple was built in the {1} era by {2} the third shogun. wordbank:30 Muromachi (era 1392-1573, or 1333-1573, or 1336-1573) Ashikaga Yoshimitsu Kamakura Ashikaga Yoshimasa (Japanese military governor)
9 Correctly combine the following country names with their capitals match:20 Kazakhstan::Astana Paraguay::Asuncion Ethiopia::Addis Ababa Ghana::Accra
10 He {1} a student, but he {2} working now. pulldown:10  was::is::am is::was::am

Various optional values are available

オプション値を設定することで、より自由度の高いクイズを作成できます。 オプション項目一覧は list of optionsfor more information.