Adaptive to overcome weaknesses

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  • Adaptive to overcome weaknesses
QuizGenerator5.5.0から弱点克服モードが大幅にパワーアップしました。 QuizGenerator5.5.0以前は一度でも解答したことがあり、正解数がマスターカウント(デフォルトでは2)に達していない問題だけを出題するモードでした。 QuizGenerator5.5.0からは下記の計算式 (Number of correct answers - Number of incorrect answers) = Weakness value The weakness values are now displayed in order from smallest to largest.

sample exam question

As a preliminary step, set the master count to 5, prepare 5 questions, answer the first question once, the second question twice incorrectly, and so on, and then answer the rest correctly.
number of correct answers Number of incorrect answers weakness value
first question Five times. one time 4
second question Five times. twice 3
third question Five times. three times 2
Question four. Five times. Four times. 1
Fifth question. Five times. Five times. 0
この状態で弱点克服を始めると 5→4→3→2→1の順番で出題される そのときに4問目だけ不正解になる
number of correct answers Number of incorrect answers weakness value
first question Six times. one time 5
second question Six times. twice 4
third question Six times. three times 3
Question four. Five times. Five times. 0
Fifth question. Six times. Five times. 1
(正解数ー不正解数)の昇順で出題されるのでもう一度弱点克服を行うと 4→5→3→2→1の順番で出題される。